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Posts posted by Error404

  1. Originally Posted By: Mantas
    Originally Posted By: brit-gob
    In the latest example of how difficult it has become for women in their late twenties and early thirties to find an eligible man in Sydney,

    The key word is 'eligable'.
    Meaning, buffed, handsome, charming and earns about 200k a year.

    I earn easy more than 200,000 yen a year! groovy
  2. Originally Posted By: Wizz
    Here's something.

    You know that kind of at-sea sea-sick kind of feeling you get when there's a small wobble of an earthquake? Anyone getting that sometimes when there actually ISN'T an earthquake... you know, all in the mind? Sometimes I kind of feel like that after all we have had the last month and a half. I have to look up at a light that easily sways to see if we are actually moving or not (and then check the JMA website to see if there was one or not).

    Strange sensation.
    I want it out of my head.
  3. A small selection of todays "Comments", the pulse of the people




    Sorry George, I think you should brush up your skills on nuclear power. The accident at Fukushima is worst than Chernobyl. In 1986, the nuclear reactor was entombed in cement. Now highly radioactive water is leaking into the sea which could affect the people of Japan from generations to generations.


    The BP disaster will be a drop in the ocean (no pun intended) compared to this contamination of the ocean wich will last for millenue - c


    WHY is this not a top headline?? Why is none of the press covering the real story!!??? It is your job to report the truth yet you are reporting things that we have known for 3 weeks! People need to know how bad this is.


    This is what happens when the 'I can handle it' brigade won't listen, won't confer, won't ask for assistance from people who know better. I hope that the rest of the nuclear indistry is PAYING GREAT ATTENTION TO ALL THIS. ... You don't know it all, you don't know what you are meddling with AND ......... YOU HAVEN'T GOT THE RIGHT TO MESS UP OUR EXISTENCE BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU KNOW BETTER! For once and for all ... STOP MEDDLING! And yes, I am shouting.


    I remember an old bloke named Tariq Aziz-he was Saddam's Defense Minister from memory-speaking on a live news broadcast,about how the Iraqi army would have a great and mighty victory,noone would penetrate Baghdad, everything was under control...Meanwhile,we could hear bullets and noisy mayhem going on in the background, metres away from him. The Japanese government,some of our own politicians,the management...Oh,join the dots.


    This is the nuclear nightmare - the horror everybody with half a brain has dreaded for years. The whole truth isn't being told, and the extent of this is being hidden. Yet there are STILL fools who insist that nuclear power stations somehow provide "cheap" electricity. They should be sent to live next to Fukushima for a month, then tell us how safe it is. And see if they consider their own deaths "cheap".


    Wizardess, Londres, not only what you wrote but the Japanese will be ever increasing their fishing in other nation's shores as they have already been doing so. The Japanese will be flooding into Australia, the Hawaiian Islands, and California in even greater droves than they have already been doing so.


    Years, or months, from now, sea food will be inedible. The experts and the Japanese government official who said it was safe to build the nuclear monstor shoud be feed contaminated food.


    We are all doomed!!!If only there was some way - some sort of dye - available to show the presence and levels of radioactivity - we would know the full extent of this catastrophe. Sadly, unlike smoke spewing from fossil fuels, radiation is invisible and this is its danger: what you cannot see you tend not to worrry about. Sadly when its effects DO become visible, causing cancer, affecting the food chain, causing mutagenic and teratogenic effects, it will be too late. We need to treat nuclear power with the alarm it deserves - its potential for disaster is truly horrific, massive and unbelievably extensive time scale wise to this planet and humanity.


    1000 milisiverts is a full sivert...and that sounds pretty catastrophic to me...when i know we are only meant to be exposed to micro 10 to the power of -6 sieverts.... no doubt they will say it is no IMMEDIATE DANGER TO HUMAN LIFE.......why dont they just tell the whole story .....which is ' there is no immediate danger to human life....but in the very near future the effect this will have on the food chain and the effect it will have on phoetuses is totaly catastrophic and will change life as we know it for at least hundreds of years, and the number of people who will notably suffer from the effects of this disaster is in the millions if not billions' ......THEY HAVE MESSED UP BIG TIME.


    A nation sitting on the rim of fire that banked it's future and people on nuclear energy. You can call it brave. I can think of better adjectives. The best I can think of is easily led.


    I feel so angry about Japanese not accepting foreign expert hep for Fukushima in the early days of the disaster. Because of their pride the whole planet will get poisoned within weeks. Starting with the ocean and then the ground waters. The next world war will be about food supplies, not oil. Oceans and seas poisoned so no fish eatable. Vast fields unsuitable harvest vegetables due to contamination. Doom days ahead.


    the people monitering the site must have known this days after the explosion.the whole truth is not being told!

  4. The Times prints utter bollocks as well, even if written by their own reporters


    "This almost feels like the last straw. After an earthquake, tsunami and nuclear explosion, the survivors are now subject to a blizzard in the middle of March when they should be taking off their winter clothes and waiting for the cherry blossoms."


    Er no, not in the mountains of central Fukushima.

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