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Posts posted by happyhappy

  1. 2 of Fattwins posts from two different threads today:


    This is Japan where you go to jail for as long as it takes to get something out of you!




    Japan has come out of the dark ages!


    (Before I get jumped this is NOT a critisism of Fattwins, just a very interesting contrast).

  2. I loved Hong Kong when I went. I was just such a mad mix of so many things, sensory overload. I don't think I would want to live there, but that's true of any huge city. But I really liked it. It is definitely worth a visit.

  3. OK I have just been in a meeting at work and there were a few new people as well as a few from a company that my company does business with. I didn't have much to do in the meeting apart from be there and make a few points at the beginning.


    Nearer the end it became more relaxed and a few of the new people started coming out with you know the usual fairly harmless but tiring gaijin comments (one told me that 'all gaijin eat cornflakes for breakfast' - not ask me of course, tell) but then it descended into this gaijin discussion and a few pretty racist remarks were made.


    It all made me very unfomfortable and I didn't quite know how to react. I wanted to walk out, but didn't because there were some important people there and I thought I would sit it out and maybe mention it later.


    I was wondering how other people dealt with this kind of thing.

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