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Posts posted by farquah

  1. Today visited the local Hospital to have my leg checked out since it hasn`t got any better from boarding accident at start of month, and found out I have a "messerashii" injury thats the first time doctor has seen. "Perrigrins T" he called it??? Anyone??


    Have to have MRI next week, and just went home to check insurance out and as my New YEar luck is going it runs out this week!! Fantastic. Am faced with 5man yen bill and no boarding for the rest of season or rugby!! Gutted! Need to change insurance company as one I had was from home in UK so anyone got any reccomendations as to what company is good/cheap??

  2. If anyone is on JET or employed through the local government some way look into insurance at your local town hall. There is a great deal you can get because you are employed by the city. Works out at just over 1man and is a prety good policy I think. Sorry no details as of yet but will try and dig something out.

  3. Love my flat and love the area, but its freezing cold at mo and I get absolutely no signal on my keetai!! Thats pretty annoying! Love the fact that live near really beautiful temple but still even now people are flocking here to visit for new years Hatsumode around the corner from my house and work which makes it a complete arse everyday trying to get anywhere due to traffic. Really sh*ts me when tourists in for the day just stroll blatantly in the middle of the road when am driving...."ITS NOT A PAVEMENT YOU MORON!"....I`ll just go and get a cup of tea and calm down for a mo!

  4. Found these ona web site, apparently complaints made by some Japanese when polled what they dislike about Gaijin!!! Take with handful rather than pinch of salt!




    日本の文化に馴染んで、ちゃんと毎日風呂に入り 471;ャンプーして、香水は控えめに、公共の場ではお となしくしてほしい。


    "I wish [gaijin] would let up on being smelly and being loud. Get acquainted with Japanese culture, take a shampoo and bath everyday, lay off the perfume a bit, and behave oneself in public places."


    空手の道場に来てた人はシャンプーの匂いを漂わ 379;ていたが



    "A [gaijin] that came to my karate dojo smelled of shampoo, but his odor near the end of practice was more intense than any high-level kick..."




    "Even when blame lies with [them], [they] never apologize."


    前に静岡県で宝石店の店主が外国人の入店を断っ 383;ら名誉毀損と訴えられて裁判で負け50万円支払 った事件があったけど、くっさい臭いの外国人を 551;司屋とか日本料理店とかが断ったらどうなるんだ ?俺がその店のお客でその場にいたら断ってもら 356;たいと思うが。


    "There was an incident before in Shizuoka when the owner of a jewelry shop was sued by a foreigner for slander and had to pay 500,000 JPY in court. I wonder what would happen if a Japanese restuarant such as a sushi restaurant refused entry to a foreigner that smelled particularly bad? If I was there as a customer I think I would want the restaurant to refuse [such a foreigner]."


    デーブスペクタ―とパックンは自国の宣伝で日本É 54;をアメリカ好きにしようと必死

    アメリカ批判されるとすごいムキになって良い訳 377;る



    "Dave Spector and 'Pakkun' go all out in advertisements for their home country to get Japanese to like America, but get all riled up and make excuses when [that same America] is critized.

    Talk about bad character."


    中国人は会社のものを使用に使うのには全く抵抗 364;ないようだ。

    うちの会社でも中国の事業所で1年はもつくらいの 0633;品のストックが



    "It would appear that Chinese have no problem with using company stuff for their own personal needs. In the Chinese office of my company for example, about a year's worth of equipment vanished in a week."


    気安く話しかけてくるところが嫌い。そのまんま 378;るずる相手してしまう自分はもっと嫌い・・。

    なんであいつらあんなにフレンドリーなの?電車 289;公園、ファーストフード、カフェ、いきなり



    「ワタシハ、ニホンノチュウガクコウニ、エイゴ 494;ー、コウシヲシニキテルンデスー」




    "I don't like how they come up and talk to you in a familar tone. I dislike myself for getting myself dragged into the resulting conversation even more...

    Why are they that friendly? [Doing stuff like] suddenly sitting next to you in the train, park, fast food restaurants, cafes and saying (*cue heavily accented Japanese) 'I'm here teaching English at a junior high school.' So what does that have to do with me?"



    あの人達の間では、うつ病・ひきこもりはあんま 426;いないの?



    "It annoys me how [they] are cheerful to the point that's its overdone. Don't any of them suffer from depression or seclusion? I've never met a gloomy gaijin."



    日本人は手を抜かず気を抜くからやらかすミスが 968;個一個でかい。


    [Regarding work]

    "Gaijin aren't careless but cut corners.

    Japanese don't cut corners but are careless. That's what makes each individual mistake a big one (in the case of the Japanese).


    靴を脱ぐという発想が生まれないところが野蛮人 384;な。

    来日して日本の生活になれると、畳に裸足最高! 387;て言い出すもんな。


    "Any place that can't conceive the concept of removing one's shoes is barbaric.

    Look at how [gaijin] that come here and adjust to a Japanese lifestyle start exclaiming "Bare feet on tatami is the best!"





    テキトーに母国語教えれば40万くらいは稼げる 375;

    つきあってもないのに、日本女は体も提供してく 428;る上に貢いでくれたりする。

    「ハリウッドスターの気分さ!」とアメリカ男が# 328;っておりました。


    "Japanese pamper Caucasians too much.

    Guys who embody the definition of loser in their home country come here and bask in their super-popularity amoung girls who love gaijin.

    They also can earn like 400,000 just by halfassedly teaching their mothertongue.

    Furthermore, despite not even going out with [such gaijin], Japanese girls allow them to have sex, and even buy them stuff on top of that.

    'It feels like being a Hollywood star!' is what some American guy said."




    "Indians smell something akin to pencil shavings."




    "Let us eat whale, you f*ckin' Caucasians!"



    日本語が十分理解できている癖に自分の都合の悪 356;ことを聞かれると

    「ワタシ ニホンゴワカリマセン」という。


    "[i dislike how] despite sufficiently comprehending Japanese, they say (*enter heavy accent) 'I don't understand Japanese' when asked something that doesn't flow well with them."

  5. P.S Echineko Don`t order your Christmas Cake, its heaps better to make it and tastes all the better too!!! You can get all the ingrediants here in Japan. If you make the pudding then its traditional to hide some kind of money coin in the mixture then on Christams day whoever gets it has luck all year!! (Or a big shock when they swallow a 5 yen coin!!) lol.gif

  6. I feel there aren`t enough people sticking up for the Trad Crimble Cake, so my hand is up in favour!!

    Love them both Christams Pudding which is different from the cake, as has no iceing or marzipan and is always fun when smothered in Brandy Butter and other spirits and set alight at the Crinmble table. (Watch out for erant hair pieces though from elderly relatives, can be a fire hazzard!). Also love the making of real Christmas cake when I was a kid stirring the mixture and making a wish, then licking the bowl afterwards!! Thats when you know Christmas is coming!!! (que licking the bowl gags!!)

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