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Posts posted by farquah

  1.  Quote:
    Originally posted by emptyworld:
    So who's winning?
    Does rugby have all the scanadalous drama that seems to go with soccer?
    Definately not England! \:\( Kind of still up for grabs, Wales looking strong as are Ireland but also France. Next few weeks will be the deciders!!
    As for scandal...Rugby wrote the book on scandal.....errrr,?? :rolleyes: Actually does have its share, biggest I can think of at mo is Lawrence Dalaglio (ex Eng Capt.) being done for cocaine taking!
  2. I pretty much filled my daks this morning. Didn`t wake up to the earthquake right away as am pretty deep sleeper, however most definately did wake up when my surf board which is next to my bed decided to attack me!!! Thinking I was the victim of a viscious burgalry I started fighting back not knowing who, where or what I was, after a good 30 seconds of leaping around and fists flying the realisation that i was fighting an inanimate object whilst my room shook dawned!!!!!! The board came off the better of us two and i now have a pretty bruised torso!!! eek.gif confused.gif

    I am not a morning person!! :rolleyes:

  3. Sunrise don`t suppose you know Joffa and Gharna as well do you, Jerry`s mates, also play rugby with them??Who would have thought big Jerry beer guzzling rugby player is a Mac users club member as well!! His secret is out!!

    Sweet am in for Sunday, should be good to put faces to names and have a couple of cheekies with you guys. Prob won`t get there until around 8ish, no late fines is there??!!? Look forward to being seranaded by Sunrises vocals!!

  4. Hit Fukushima with a load of Rugby buddies. First day after a 3:30 am drive start was not bad despite hanging out my ass. Went to Nekoma wanted to hit the park but due to leg probs and the doc saying shouldn`t really be boarding at all just took it easy. Not a big fan of the runs here though and the snow wasn`T anything special.

    Second day much better, snow was really nice at Gran Deco, I like the fairly long runs they have there and some pretty nice stuff in the trees. Pushed knee harder to see how it would go and hapy to say it stood up well which means can carry on for a bit more this season!!!

    Saw a few giajin guys at Nekoma on Friday was that any of you guys?

  5. Sounds good. Monday morning 8am work may not be much fun but!!! However the "drinks are expensive part" may mean that its not such a rough ride Monday after all!! How expensive are we talking? Is there a few bands as wella s sunrise??

    And Maoriboy you know I don`t need dragging!! ;\) Gentle persuasion!!

  6. England were a disgrace admiitedly!! I hang my head in shame and am seems as though we are staring at the wooden spoon!! We had France beaten and let them back in...was a Defeat snatched from the jaws of Victory!! Englands reign at the top has crashed down! \:\(

  7. It`s getting to the end of my working month and as ever my wallet is about as full as Santa`s sack in summer!! I always find myself either just scraping by until the golden day of Pay day or having to borrow for the last week!!" no idea where it goes (bar the beer monkey and the slopes)??? confused.gif Anyone else as crap with money as I am, and what do you do for that last week when you living off 2000yen?? Other than not much lol.gif

  8. As with anywhere there are things that get on your nerves here as they do in your own home city. As Yama says love it here too plenty of ups and sometimes there`s the downs. If I hated I wouldn`t be here, its a challenge and as i always say if it was easy then everyone would be doing it! Thats what makes it fun to stay!! Just nice sometimes to see if pother peole have had similar probs to your own! "Problem shared is a problem halved!"

    And its good to ahve a good moan every now and then!! lol.gif As Maoriboy can attest I like a good moan over a pint sometimes too, wouldn`t be a winging pomme if I didn`T!!!

  9. Last year broke my leg playing rugby here adn had an Ambulance called for me. Was a complete farce!! BEcause I wasn`t crying like a baby or moaning out loud they assumed nothing was wrong with me, and thought I didn`t understand any Japanese. So they were moaning between each other why they were called out and what an "acting Gaijin and obviously didn`t need this service, and why couldn`t I have washed the dirt off?!?!?!" (in the middle of a god damn rugby game!!)and all this crap. Then proceeded to put me in the ambulance about the size of a mini, and couldn`t close the doors because my legs were too long to fit in. After manouvering me about and rather than putting me in a position to ease the pain and stop my injury getting worse i was crushed up with my legs over the end of a mini table!!!! Absolute joke. Turned out i had a spiral break of the shin and it was pretty buggered (to use a medical term). Ambulance guys knew nothing, acted like ignorant mongs and asked me for 6man yen as payment!! My advice.....call a taxi if it isn`t life threatening as you`ll get better service and it`ll save your wallet! confused.gif \:\( confused.gif

  10. Congrats to the Welsh but as a typical English guy my excuses are that it was merely a B team and an injury laden team at that which faced you on Sat. However was impressed with Henesy, some big hits and clever kicks. All credit though as Wales did look like the better team on the day, should m,ake for a great game against Ireland, and I guess the Triple Crown and Gram Slam is up for grabs now!

  11. Happy Setsubun to all! Or I guess not so happy as it marks the beginning of spring and the end of winter!! (Hopefully not snow!)


    I have just participated in the ceremony at my temple here and it was another very very amusing year!! My particular temple has a few celebreties come and throw the beans out, with this year being no exception with some famous TV "Idols" and the usual Yokozuna Asashoryu and the other big named sumo (and big bodied!). All very exciting but what impresses me most every year is the sheer verocity of the OBACHAN`s during the throwing!!! eek.gif Its packed out with people shoulder to shoulder like battery hens to see the famous Idols. Now I have played in some pretty dirty rugby games in my time but I am yet to see anything like the elbows flying and the barging that the old "innocent" looking ladies dish out! Arms lash, handbags fly and i was smacked in the chops more than once while simultaneoulsy elbowed in the crotch as they attempt to catch the beans!!! eek.gif eek.gif


    then as soon as its over back to their former polite selves, summimasening and gomenassai`s all round!!

    Top value celebration!!


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