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Posts posted by Hokkaidough

  1. Well, cinematic releases are generally safe (DVD screeners notwithstanding) since i personally hate cam/telecine rips.


    Firstly, downloading is pretty rare outside of young people and guardian readers. And of those young folks some people actually want to the whole cimnematic experience. if its something you kinda want to see, youre going to go to the cinema because its way more of an event than just downloading/streaming it and kinda browsing the net while you should actually be watching it.


    Secondly of course, hollywood is predominantly english. Not everyone in the world likes watching movies in English. They also tend to use sites that are popular within their own country and so they dont even know that theres a scene release out there. For example, i dont know where to get the latest japanese whatevers because i dont use the sites that the cool kids in japan might know about. Instead ill get hold of them after theyve gone through the english speaking/sub groups prism. And for a cinematic release, a lot of sub groups wont bother with a cam rip except for a bit of scene cred.


    Finally, language barrier in general and subtitling/dubbing for official releases.


    So really theres not quite as huge of a worldwide impact for staggering a cinematic release.


    DVD releases/TV programmes on the other hand... And now with streaming massively taking off its kinda harder to justify anything but a full world wide release. I dont wait for episodes of family guy to hit the UK, and i cant understand why people would wait for programmes they love to release on TV. And i also dont understand why the comedy central/south park studios thing hasnt been taken up by more companies. HBO would likely make a killing from advertising if it opened up its gates, and why would people go to the trouble of uploading their programmes if they were freely available anyway?


    When i went back to the UK i loved having the beeb online as well as 4oD. These are massive brands, and that means a global audience for their products. But its closed to countries outside the UK (okay, in the beebs case i understand since its funded by the license fee, but 4od is a commercial operation). Its all odd. Back in teh old days you bought the VHS of movies or tv programmes because you wanted to watch them at your convenience. Thats all changed. You can pretty much watch anything you like now at your convenience. Now they buy dvds also (and id dare say mainly) for a) the identity youre associating yourself with - its an object to be seen... oh! youre a star trek type of person! oh! you like the big bang theory! i like the big bang theory too! we have something in common! ...


    identity politics.


    We also buy them because they have the extra shit we havent seen and the kinda stuff we might not see (not many uploads of a major release with the directors commentary for example. YOu want that, you buy the dvd usually).


    We also buy them to support a person, group or whatever to keep making more of something (the "firefly" campaign as an example - but honestly ive bught loads that i didnt need to just because i like the person and want to make sure they make a bit of cash from the royalties (though itd probably be better to just send them the cash direct of course).


    What else? Gifting.

    Oh, and the convenience of watching them (or better yet stopping and returning to them later) of course in about as high quality as you can currently get outside a cinema.

    And the fact that plugging in a dvd, sitting around the plasma screen with some mates with surround sound blasting out mimics the cinematic experience whereas streaming is still just sticking something on and watching a back lit titchy screen beaming into your face.


    I dunno. Plenty of reasons people keep buying dvds, but the whole driving force of ye old days (you want to watch the programme when you want to watch it and not when itv starts repeating it), isnt really the big one. So instead of fighting pirates, why not just offer subscription packages to yoru network or better yet use advertising to recoup potential losses from those people who would have ONLY bought the dvd so they could watch it when they like. Those people arent a very big proportion now of the market anymore.


    Well, not the market thats going to shape the next twenty years. Sure not everyone streams or has heard of it, but internet speeds and dispersion makes it an inevitability that they will within the next few years.


    Bear in mind theres also a lot of pressure on illegal ownership right now (with massively disproportionate fines/sentences). This just makes streaming a pretty safe alternative.


    Except the malware/keyloggers of course... :)


    Interesting write up there ippy!

    I agree with lots of it.


    About DVDs, I just like owning and having ones I really like on my shelf. Somehow.

  2. 10 needles seems drastic

    I get hayfever around this time in Queensland when the humidity dissapears.

    Usually one Telfast (brand name) antihistamine every couple of days gives relief.


    I was like that before I came here.

    Recently not really affected me at all though. Fingers crossed!

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