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Posts posted by gammaman

  1. Personally, and I know I`m not alone in this, I often use toilet time for relaxing contemplative retreats from the rest of humanity.


    Frantic searches for something to hold to keep your balance, the burning thighs from squatting and the delicate operation of reclothing yourself without mishap is not conducive to a relaxing, revitalising break from the world.


    I like English toilets.


    Preferably a Twyfords one, manufactured in the Potteries, home of the worlds earthernware industry. \:\)

  2. I concur with all of the above suggestions (peaker has a more unique approach admittedly)

    Pads - yes. Definitly.

    A knowledgeable and patient friend - a must. Especially someone who knows how to set up the gear correctly. Even the hire dudes send people off with some shocking set ups at times. No point being handicapped before you start.

    Make sure the slope you start on has a decent angle to it. It`s much easier.

    As last resort, copy the people who seem to have the hang of it. (as a last resort as they may be showing bad technique.)

    Watch some vids before you go (boarding ones) pure inspiration.

    Enjoy. \:\)

  3. Naa mate not the chemists. Its just like Ovaltine, you buy it off the shelf in the supermarket. Next to the hot chocolate. Not medicated.


    B.W. - not surprised the adults had no clue. I can`t imagine any situation where the big H and sex might be equated. You have imagination. I tip my hat cool.gif

  4. Recently heard a theory which said that you should have a room where the only thing you do in there is sleep. Then your body gets to associate that room with sleep and automatically prepares for it as you enter. (this theory also suggests you have a room just for sex too.........) Do you spend a lot of time in your bedroom? Play video games etc?


    Otherwise reading always makes me tired, or not too hetic music on very low stops my mind from thinking about those silly things that keep you awake.


    Of course no alcohol, caffine etc.


    And getting into a sleeping routine, same time to bed and up etc. ;\)


    Sleep well.

  5. Cos he looks clumsy, lazy and slow (talentless, dim....blah, blah....)

    Thing is he only looks like this. I`m pretty sure he is a very difficult player to play against.


    Oh, and he doesn`t generally score many goals.


    Still don`t know how I rate him, but I like im. Makesense wakaranai.gif

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