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About begbie1980uk

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  1. Thanks a lot for all your help. much appreciated. as far as i can gather i have about 5 options: 1) sportaka on midosuji street in osaka 2) moriyama sports - is this in shiga prefecture?? didn't quite get where that one is. clarification would be much appreciated... 3)alpen - this pearler seems to have been mentioned a fair bit. where is it though? 4) going abroad. i'm off to thailand and cambodia this christmas, but last i heard cambodia wasn't a popular snowboarding destination and so it's doubtful that I'll be able to buy equipment there. thais probably have really
  2. Hello, I am looking to buy snowboarding equipment in Japan. Do you have any recommendations as to where I might be able to get this. I am based in the Kansai region near Kobe. Online stores that deliver to Japan are also useful. The problem is that my shoe size is 29-30 centimetres and japan doesn't tend to cater for my biggish feet. please let me know if you have any advice. I would be very grateful
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