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Posts posted by NutteyCubey

  1. http://www.snowjapan.com/e/daily/shownow1.php?month=02&year=2005&town=Yuzawa%20Now!


    Tuesday 1st February 2005, 6:59PM

    Crazy snow at the moment, it is really coming down and has been since this morning. There has probably been about 70cm since last night, and there's another 30-50cm forecast from now until 9am tomorrow, and up to 90cm before tomorrow night!! (There are big queues on Route 17 at the moment and the expressway is closed. There are bound to be more traffic problems into tomorrow with such heavy snow - take care!) Out of interest, this season is seeing the most snow fall in the Nagaoka region of Niigata for 20 years.

  2. Yes you can get more games across consoles - some have exclusivity for 6 months and deals like that. But for things like Metroid thats a special one, similar to Mario... you're not gonna find Mario on anything other than a Nintendo machine (as long as they are making machines I suppose)...

  3. MS don't just offer a slice of the pie. But anyways, enough of that particular argument.


    Im a bit shocked that Sony really stepped up to the plate on this one.
    And why is that, considering their almost complete dominance of the current generation? They have always shown complete dedication to the PS brand and all signs were/are that they do not indend for MS to overtake them.


    Funny how so little is being said about Nintendo (the brand of kiddies choice.)

  4.  Quote:
    In japan I find that its family units that buy the consoles.
    I'm sure you find that if you are a teacher working at a school.

    But the facts differ.

    Whilst the kiddie market is bigger here than it is overseas, it is not the overwhelmingly biggest one and it is not the one that will decide the overall success of a console. Simple as that.

    Anyway, whatever.
    I'm just enjoying the unveilings.
  5. But 10-13s are nowhere near the main market either (esp in the US and Europe). They simply aren't.


    I also think MS will have a very tough time in Japan as well with the new one.... just not for the reasons you think. Some of the big Japanese developers on board this time may help, but lets face it they couldn't really do any worse than what they're doing now! lol.gif

  6. Kiddies are not the biggest market for videogames anymore Fattwins. And the relatively small kiddie market is serviced by Nintendo - and just take a look at Gamecube numbers to see how they are doing (ie not too hot).


    Late teens to mid-30's is where it's at and the main target.

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