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Posts posted by merryJim

  1. How long does it take you to get mail from the US, or other countries.


    I sometimes get things sent over from the US and it usually takes about 7 days to get here. One time it was 5 days, but a few times it's been about 2 weeks (which I really don't like).


    How about in your experience?

  2. Back home, taxis are a great way to get around and relatively cheap.


    Here, they're a nightmare. Huge amounts asked for a small journey in a smoky car. Seeing hundreds of the things lined up constantly outside the stations etc, its difficult to see how they can be doing well - there're just so many of the things. I saw a documentary the other night on J tv following the life of a taxi driver and it wasn't much fun. Most of the time hanging around, then being grumpy when someone actually gets in your car.

  3. Call me mad - I'm sure you will - but I like wearing a good suit and tie to work. Gets me in "work mode" and suits me well, so to speak. Some terrible ties from way back in the collection, I should really throw them out.

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