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Posts posted by its-a-clock

  1. Married/single

    How much do you earn?

    Has your income increased or decreased in the last 6 months?

    By how much?

    Will your income increse or decrease in the next 6 months?

    What things are you planning on buying in the next 6 months?

    What things are you planning on cutting down on in the next 6 months.


  2. Just came back from the local bank where they asked me - and most others it seems - to fill out a quite detailed questionnaire with some very personal questions on it, mostly financial ones.


    Cheeky buggers if you ask me, I told them where to go.


    Anyone else been asked to do something like that by their bank?

  3. There are some plain weird sandwiches on sale in some places here.


    Last night I saw a potato salad and spagetti sandwich. On the usual lifeless, tasteless bread they insist on using of course.


    I remember a curry and egg one as well a while back.


    Any other bizarre combinations?


    And why can't they get rid of that awful 'bread'? I'm sure the masses would appreciate some quality bread as the basis for their butties.

  4. doh


    Did they really need to research that?!


    A pint and a half of beer can produce the effect – and in men it may last 24 hours.


    In the study, volunteers were randomly allocated a vodka and lime or a similar tasting non-alcoholic drink.


    About half an hour later, both groups were asked to rate the attractiveness of 20 male and 20 female faces on a seven-point scale.


    Those who had been drinking alcohol scored the faces about 10 per cent higher than the non-drinkers.


    When the groups were tested again the next day, the men who had drunk alcohol still gave pictures of women higher ratings than those who had not.


    Dr Marcus Munafo, an experimental psychologist who led the study at Bristol University, said: "The findings are important because of the role drink plays in, for example, unsafe sex." It is thought alcohol stimulates the striatum, an area of the brain important in attraction.

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