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SnowJapan Member
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Posts posted by OnTheTin

  1. I sometimes give a small tip if I feel I have been given really good service and sometimes also it rounds up a bill, but if there is nothing special with the service then they can dream on.


    It must be very confusing for people coming from overseas and not used to it. I am sure lots of them probably hand out far too much money than they should/need out of not wanting to offend etc.

  2.  Quote:
    This is the sort of twisted moral sh*t that beggers belief
    :rolleyes: You have an interesting way of just saying "I just think you're wrong..." there buddy.

    Anyhow, I can see where you're both sides are coming from, but do not like the idea of bull fighting.

    Maybe a little hypocritical, needs a bit more thought perhaps.
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