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Posts posted by greg

  1. I think there is getting to be a "too cool for school" crowd with respect to Niseko. People who haven't been to Japan before go there the first time or so because it is easy then try somewhere else. When asked where they go or have been they bag Niseko as if it makes them more hardcore or travel savvy.


    I think it is great people are trying different resorts and exploring more of Japan but I think some people overly criticise Niseko for little reason to try and impress others.


    Flaming anyone?

  2. Originally Posted By: Tubby Beaver
    Out last night and I was talking to some mates about snowboarding this winter.....I'm getting proper excited about it now!!! Roll on winter!!! smile

    I totally know what you mean. I was at work (about 600m undergound) explaining to someone about snow shovelling and I started getting all excited. They must have thought I had lost it. What a subject to get excited about! lol
  3. I have had some of my best experiences boarding at night in Hirafu, but also some of my worst. The weather obviously plays a huge factor. If it hasn't snowed for a while, the runs at night are just chewed up and the trees are tracked out. You have to remember that you are now boarding the longest period before grooming. This can go from average to down right horrible if the wind is up.


    If it has snowed during the day and is dumping that night...you are in for a memorable experience. There is nothing better than going down the front of the mountain flat chat in 6 to 12 inches of fresh snow while most people are in the bars and not on the mountain.

  4. If/When one does let go in Niseko off the peak it could take out a lot of people (maybe not completely bury but I wouldn't bet on it). Heaps of people without a clue sit in the gullies scratching their arses enjoying the view and taking photos while dozens of people are dropping in on top of them. If you don't get buried there are plenty of trees to be smashed into aswell. There will be two main types of people caught, those who are unaware of the risk and those who don't respect the risk (because they have been in "riskier" terrain before with no problems).


    Any avie can be bad news. With so many people around the probability unfortunately can increase.

  5. e-bay matey, Or You might have more luck asking if anyone has any old gear you could "work" for. e.g shovelling snow etc. Also try hire shops, they may have some stuff left over around when Rocky IV came out.


    As mama has just kindly offered, some people have gear they would rather give to someone who would appreciate it rather than sell it for next to nothing or sitting in a wardrobe for a decade.


    $500 will be difficult but not impossible. It will just be harder and will take a lot of effort and time.

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