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Posts posted by I-Am-Patrol

  1. I have worked as patrol for quite a long time now and for the most part I love my job.

    I do enjoy being able to help people as well as doing the normal day to day stuff.

    And I am less keen on the attitude some people take at resorts where they basically ignore the signs and the rules and just do what they want without any regard for anyone else other than themselves - and often not even for themselves.

    Do I want to risk my life for them? Of course I don't, though we will do what we need to do to try and prevent any accidents from happening.

    But it can be very frustrating.

    Unfortunately the fact is that there are more foreigners doing this as well and it's not doing any good for reputations... broad brush strokes and all that.


    I suppose I'm one of those people who generally doesn't really take to selfish people off the slopes too.

  2.  Quote:
    lessons in Japan are very inexpensive compared to the USA and Europe. Typically private lessons run about $100 to $150 per hour, plus 10-15% tip.

    $150 is around 17,000 yen right?
    I think many private (not group) lesson at many Japanese resort is around 20,000 yen for 2 hours so yes that is more. Are there set standard and rule for what is included in US/Europe resort?
  3. Hello. I wasn't trying to be sarcasm, maybe my use of words limited. Sorry.


    I believe that many resorts are gradually changing their thinking, maybe forced to.


    Lift management, you may know this but many resort in Japan were gradually build up. Small beginning and become gradually bigger as ski become more popular. Thats why some have twoset of lift going similar place. At the time it was what they considered best choice, but not it does not look like that.

  4.  Quote:
    does it mean it's wrong? is every other resort in the modern world wrong?
    I am not clear now actually what point you are making is here actually as there are so many comments made. I was just saying at the same time as 'being a westerner living in japan does not negate my opinion', opposite is also true.

    It sounds like you think you are an expert about "every other resort in the modern world". That sounds interesting, I'm sure it would be good to discuss and learn so many things from you.
  5. I am sorry to hear about the problem Blair.


    Unfortunately, under the same circumstances with a group of foreign skiers or boarders, the patrols direct order to stop in some cases has been intentionally ignored & even mocked.
    Unfortunately that is case in another places I have spoken to. It sounds like only few people causing the problem but those few people with bad behavious is creating some bad feeling at other place too. Which is sad I think.
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