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Posts posted by MistaSparkle

  1. I too heard the prediction for this week, so I was a little spooked when it first started. What most startled me about this one was that it hit right away.... usually you can feel a buildup, where it kinda rumbles and then gets stronger and stronger. This one just felt like my apartment building got hit by a big truck from the start.

  2. When I was a kid, one of my good buddies was always into knives, hunting, and outdoorsey stuff. His parents were neglectful and basically bought him stuff to make up for it. So in all their wisdom, they bought their 10 year old son, a compound hunting bow (one of those really nasty pulley driven bows). Anyway... we were two stupid 10 year olds messing around with the bow in his backyard shooting a cardboard box with a drawing of our teacher on it. After a few turns of shooting, I went and grabbed the arrows from the box. While I was still standing in front of the box, my friend loaded an arrow, cocked back the bow, and then held it by pinching the arrow and bow in one hand. Needles to say it made me nervous, so I told him "hey dude put down the arrow, you're gonna lose it." Just as he said "no, it's allri..." He lost grip, and the arrow flew straight at my face. It all happened in slow-motion, but I ducked off to the side, and the arrow skimmed past the top of my ear, and sunk into the cardboard behind me. We both stood in silence for a solid minute or two realizing what had almost happened. Neither of us ever messed with the bow again...


    Still to this day, I cringe when I remember that moment when the arrow was flying at my face in slow motion. eek.gif

  3. Those flouro domes in japanese apartments are the worst. Japan has a love affair with flouro bulbs. I feel like they suck the life out of you, and make a home look cold and institutional, so they're the first thing that gets replaced when I move into a new place.

  4. I have no solid evidence to back this up, but I belive alcohol is responsible for far more damage to the body and is far more of a cause of early death than MJ smoking. The kind of healthy daily dosage of booze you're talking about would be a glass of red wine, and it's benefits are found in it's anti-oxidant properties, not because of the alcohol. (barok... I'm sure you'd be more of an expert in this...??)

    In any event, compare the sheer amount of alcohol required to get you to a "feel-good" level compared to the amount required with MJ. There's a major difference.


    db- pot calling the kettle black! (no pun intended)

  5.  Quote:
    Originally posted by mogski:
    Stoned people (me included) seem to have this enept ability to take the smallest piece of trivia and create the worlds biggest story or debate. Fun really.
    Mogs - There are others on the forum who are like-minded (myself included). I believe an SJ session is in order.... \:D
  6.  Quote:
    Originally posted by slow:
    I can't understand why people need those drugs. Why??? confused.gif
    I only enjoy alcohol, but not too much. Even if people enjoy tobocco or marijuana next to me, nothing interesting to me.
    I saw mrijuana plant in Switzerland, is it illegal there, too?
    Strength-wise, Alcohol is in the same category as marijuana. Even though, long-term, alcohol is more harmful to the body. To answer your question, just ask yourself, why do you "need" to drink alcohol?
  7. From all the conversation I've had with coworkers and friends, regarding drugs in Japan.... There seems to be zero education about drugs. The common view is that all drugs are hard. Marijuana is put in the same category as heroin or acid. Strange though, that up until last year shrooms were legal, and that there are still some pretty serious psychedelics being sold legally.

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