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Posts posted by MistaSparkle

  1.  Quote:
    Originally posted by .db.:
    Mr* - it is a bit hard to tell exactly what you were saying when you use that whacky font. where did you get that stuff from anyway? Overall I could tell the tone was not in my best regard so I erred on the side of caution and put you on my hate list. Now you will have to work your way off.
    Get one of your groupies to translate what I wrote.

    ps: F your list.
  2.  Quote:
    Originally posted by scouser:
    Isn't that "......, BUT....."

    So the girls are probably saying.... "I like you, db, but just not in that way. Let's just be furenndo."
    That's a little innacurate. Its something more like:
    "I know its late, and I missed the last train 'ですけど...dbの家に泊まっていいの?'"
    :p ;
  3.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Indosnm:
    I am going to make the purchase tomorrow!

    But are any of you who have ipods using any 3rd party software to import tunes from IPOD to Itunes?

    Any help on this would be much appreciated!

    Ive been using Ephpod since day one, which is better than anything out there when it comes to handling your iPod. You can use it to copy music off your pod to your music folder if you want to move music from the pod to iTunes (and it's freeware too).

  4. Microsoft totally missed the mark with the Japanese market. From the start, if they really understood the game industry, they would have been courting japanese developers and sucked up more exclusives. The only big Japanese launch titles they had were, I think, Dead or Alive 3, and Jet Grind Radio 2. Neither of those games were big titles here. They should have had a whole bunch of RPGs lined up, and way more "cute" games. Aside from software, the console itself physically is a monstrosity by any standard. Living space being a precious commodity in Japan, the size of a console is a big factor (no joke, I needed to move some furniture around to fit an xbox in my apartment!) Both the cube, and the ps2 have super small footprints. If microsoft does a 2nd edition xbox redesigned to be smaller, with good RPGs, at a super competitive price, they might have an opportunity to make a small comeback in Japan.

  5. This is, unfortunately, a short term win for bush/blair. Yea it's a good thing he's caught, but now lets see if he gets put on trial and reveals what everyone already knows. That there were never any stockpiles of "WMD."


    Amazing how US/UK went to Iraq under the pretext of eliminating an "imminent threat," and now all you hear is we're there to "liberate" the iraqi people (albeit, with a puppet government).

  6.  Quote:
    Originally posted by sweetaz:
    The Thin Red Line - SUCKED!
    It was supposed to be this 'amazing film' but me an my mates tried watching it ...twice...and all fell asleep...both times.
    I've heard so many people say "oh that movie is so great!"
    When I saw it, I was an inch away from walking out of the theater halfway thru. crap!
  7. Not sure what your taste is like, but here are a few I'd recommend checking out:


    DJ Krush (hip hop), Towa tei (original), Cornelius (rock), Nujabes (hip hop), Buffalo Daughter (rock), Satoshi Tomiie (prog-trance), Ishino Takkyu (techno), the brilliant green (rock)(...used to be a guilty pleasure of mine)


    Im sure there are lots I'm forgetting, but thats a good start. Otherwise, I find j-pop, mainstream j-hip hop, and j-rock unbearable....

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