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Posts posted by MistaSparkle

  1. nonsense. Nader is obviously not going to win, so I have a strong feeling he's in it just to bring a progressive voice to the debate, and will pull out before elections. Even if he sticks through to elections, voters are already so polarized, he won't have an impact like he did in 2000. The democrats, by once again failing to bring up a candidate who isn't a wishy-washy middle of the road republicrat, have left a large portion of the party without representation. Good on Nader for having the balls to run in the face of such opposition.

  2.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Kintaro:
    I'm mostly liberal. However I do favor the Republicans long term capital gains tax cuts and the dividend tax cuts.

    I never knew the statement "I'm mostly liberal" could be followed by praise for republicans. Unless you make over $150,000 a year, not sure how you can be so happy about those tax cuts.
  3. After a really sunny weekend at naeba, I ended up with a pretty solid goggle tan. It would be fine except for the fact that I bailed on my company ski trip with a bs excuse to go riding with friends. Someone at my office noticed... I just said "no no no... that was from last weekend." wakaranai.gif


    I've heard goggle tans are supposed to be "cool" in Japan. ...my girlfriend just tells me I look like a monkey when I have one. \:o

  4. Ive heard its scheduled to be released in Japan this spring.... will be interesting to see what the japanese reaction is to the characterization of japanese people in the film. Theres been alot of talk in US media about it pandering to cliched stereotypes, but despite that, I saw it overseas and thought it was great. The japanese couple sitting next to me, on the other hand, didnt seem so amused. I want to see it again here just to see the audience reaction...

  5. Awesome pics... is that what we missed on monday??? eek.gif


    Had a solid weekend up at the 'kuba... Struggled a bit with the new board in the pow until I realized (towards the second half of my second day), that setting my bindings back about 2 inches made a world of a difference.


    big thanks to Fattwins for the A-class tour. Amazing how you're able to find stashes even after a weekend of no snowfall... You're due a few beers for taking one for the team on saturday as well...


    Although brief, it was good to meet all the SJers up there this weekend...

  6.  Quote:
    Originally posted by kamoshika:
    Yep I have done it doing it on Thursday night, Davo has done it dozens of times. We both come from Osaka so its a long ride. If you can naturally sleep anywhere then its cool, if you are a poor sleeper then it can be hell.
    Got Valium? ;\)

    P.s Mr* your dropkicked octopus site is sweet cool.gif
    Looks like we were able to squeeze out a rental with the help of a certain forum member's lady friend... so we'll save the overnight bus for more dire times...

    glad you like the site... it's my new super-efficient productivity dehancer. \:D
  7. 2 tips... if you're heading to the immigration office in shinagawa (tokyo)


    1. Get there EARLY!

    I went around 11:00 and had to wait for 4 hours including the hour they close up for lunch...(which is equally infuriating to all 300+ people waiting mad.gif ) Went there a 2nd time to get a multi re-entry permit... got there at around 9 and I was in and out in about 15mins.


    2. Buy the stamp in the combini on the 1st floor.

    Save yourself the headache of waiting on line, only to realize that you have to go get your stamp at the combini then come back... Leave it to japan to make things unintuitive and poorly thought out... they built this brand new immigration office, but you have to buy official documents in the combini... that gets a big WTF in my book. \:o

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