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Posts posted by jared

  1. So what are the rules then? Who gets the second spot in the new line? Is it the 3rd person from the original line? Should every 2nd person from the first line move to the new line to maintain fairnes. What if there are two lines open and then a new one opens?


    hayai mono gachi!

  2.  Quote:
    is anyone familiar with the PMTS© Direct Parallel Movements by Harald Harb of the Harb Ski Systems?

    I had a look at the site - there are even online lessons. Im not going to knock anything I havent tried but they seem to promote skiing with your feet very close together - in most of the pictures their feet are literally almost touching!


    sorry about the moving pic but I couldn't find any good still examples.

    p.s I got it from here http://www.harbskisystems.com/olg4.htm
  3. Hey there

    There is lots of great terrain here and the parks are excellent but the snow just isn’t what we expected (and they say it’s a great snow year). Ill write more on our impressions when the season has ended so I can get the full picture.

    We have been a little slack with the video camera too but that should change soon. We did film a couple of lines yesterday though. The first one is my brother and the second one is me. I was planning just to ski on the snow but I ran into some rocks that I couldent see for the sluff and ended up falling off the edge. I was a little nervous as someone died early this season falling from up before the tree at the top. I will have another go in a week or 2 and try dropping the cliff deliberately and see if I can stick it..


    vid here

  4.  Quote:
    People who jump into the front of the line when a new line opens, even though they aren't next in line at a super market ,. etc., are rude.
    If a new line starts its open season. The line position from the previous line only applies in the old line.
  5. The wide paralell thing seems to be the Canadian method for teaaching skiing. The NZ method still use the wedge (stem) christie. The canadian method seems to produce bad paralell skiers quickly, while the NZ method produces stronger ones more slowly. The time saved using the canadian method can be used to fix them up resulting in about the same rate of progress.

    A wedge christie means your about 1 lesson away from being a paralell skier - dont stop lessons now!

  6. You would think that the Canadans would have figured out that adding all the taxs into the displayed price on each item was a good thing before the Japanese - but they didnt. Its not 5% either its like 20% once you add the alchahol tax the provincial tax and the national tax and the recycling deposit.

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