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Posts posted by jared

  1. since my last post I seen "Free Radicals - a ski odyssey 2001" its a sweedish ski movie I found on Kazaa. Its great to get a break from American movies that flick from the Camp of champions to Alaska for the whole movie. There was only 10 mins of jibbing tops. But the big mountain was different enough from other movies iv seen not to get boaring. They also managed to include some telemarking without some guy going on about how its equal to or better than alpine skiing/snowboarding, he just skied the same big lines as the others and it was almost hard to tell that he was telemarking. While I have no concience when it comes to downloading Hollywood movies, I do feel a bit guilty getting this one for free as its obviously a small bunch of guys just makin a movie (not that its low budget). But it did wake me up to the fact that there are good ski movies being made in Europe.


  2. I dont think the business is run FOR revenge, but the rule disallowing skiers may be. Not allowing skiers may give the majority of the customers (snowboarders) a little satisfaction knowing that the discrimination runs both ways and make the facility seem a little "cooler" to some of the wannabecool customers. Another reason may be the annoying learner skiers that bail after every hit loose all their gear and spend the next 10 minutes holding everyone up while they put it back on right under the jump - easily fixed with a little education - what do you think?

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