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SnowJapan Member
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Posts posted by SnowJapan.Com#3

  1. Our new Japanese "Snow Japan" is now online.


    You can get to the main Japanese site by clicking on the JAPANESE link on the left hand side navigation of any page in the English site.


    Clicking on the top JAPANESE FORUM link on the English forum pages will take you to the nihongo forums.


    The URL is: http://www.snowjapan.com/j




    The Japanese site is very similar to the English one. We hope that you'll tell your Japanese friends and colleagues about the new Japanese Snow Japan, and that they'll join in. Hopefully the new site can become popular in this first season online.


    Both sites will be seeing further developments over the coming weeks and months.


    Thanks for your support!


    Snow Japan

  2. We're not going to get into a big discussion on this (we've got a website to make!), and Blair will be writing about it soon, so this will just be a one-off posting....but here are just a few reasons that we have heard from resort-folk:


    - Resorts start planning for the coming season very early. Many probably started around Jan of this year for the upcoming 2003 season. That means budgets, staffing plans, supply plans, maintenance plans, etc etc. It is easy to think that they can quickly change these plans if it suddenly starts to snow, but in many cases they simply can't.


    - Resorts don't know when the snow will start falling and have to plan as best they can for an opening date based on past experience. For example, if they get 20 staff in from October in the hope that snow falls early, but the snow only starts to fall at the normal time for that resort in early December, they might find themselves in big trouble.


    - Some resorts rely on many other companies for supplies, transportation, etc. These other companies may not be able to provide the services required by the resort at short notice.


    - Some resorts feel that even if they could open to the public the benefits would be outweighed by the costs. They do not feel that enough people would be going to justify opening up earlier than planned.


    Just a few reasons there that we have heard from the mouths of resort people. I think Blair will explain from his resorts point of view soon.



  3. Understood!


    It does help if people mail us - if you send a mail to editor@ or insider@ it gets sent to multiple people who look after everything and so is sure to get our attention. Unless you are called "spam" or something.


    As you might imagine, now the Forums are getting busier and busier it's more difficult to track down every single word on there...so a mail to us is always the best option when there's an "issue" that needs our attention!



  4. Hi miteyak


    No, not the same seems to have been some mix up in images there for some reason.


    It would be a real help to us, and get to our attention quicker, if any issues such as this were went to us at editor@snowjapan.com or insider@snowjapan.com. If in future you could do that we'd really appreciate it!



  5. igloo


    To be able to see other member pages and do lots of stuff in the Insider section, yes you must be logged in. It's real simple and costs nothing, and once you've done that you can make your own page, post journals, customize your weather report etc.


    Once you're logged in (using the same igloo username and password you use on this Forum) you can stay logged on if you wish, so you don't need to every time you visit the site.


    For more info read here:





    Snow Japan

  6. big-will


    You sure can. We have billions of them waiting to be sent out as of this week actually. Glad you saw one! Just send your email address and postal address to us (and how many you want) and we will send them on to you. Thanks for the offer of help. The email address is editor@snowjapan.com


    Anyone else too - we have some A5 sized flyers made up for the site, in both English and Japanese (E on one side, J the other). If you know somewhere that might allow them to be put down for people to pick up and are willing to help out, please send on your details and we'll send some on to you. We'd be really grateful for the help.



    Snow Japan


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