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Posts posted by Fattwins

  1. Spud would never have posted what he makes on the web. He wont even tell his friends that. If you are going to try to come up with crap then back it up or shut up.


    Know one complains about greed untill something like this happens. Why? because the more money they make the more it funnels down to the rest of us. There were alot of people who should not have gotten loans period. but,,, had the econmy gone the other way, then know one would be saying a thing anyways. Before this happened the industry was looking a good profits across the boards.

  2. Spud doesn't like being talked about when it comes to work he would tell you to shut up!


    Regardless of why this bank went under, it effects more than just a few greedy people. Retirement funds wiped out. Employes trust into a tuff job market, Credit drying up in North America! Oh yes oh educated one, it was only the greedy people!

  3. You are a professional athlete and you are being watched. whether you agree or not Japan is strict with their laws. It allows us to live in this bubble of safety. Anything from drinking and driving, to a car accident, a fight or drugs or etc. Is treated very harshly here. You can disagree but that is just Japan.

  4. Obama is loosing the chess match. He has to come up with something or the game is over. He had a chance to hammer home the change vision and shut out Jonny boy but didn't. Johnny took the gamble (he had to) and picked the antichrist. She shores up the right and pulls in the angry Hillary vote. The women Obama scorned, now that is frightening.


    Obama needed something better than Biden. He is boring and cant hammer home the message. He shouldve gone with a strong woman Nancy Palosi or sucked up his pride and added Hillary. If Jonny wins there will be a swing to the right very quickly.

  5. They paid a huge 2 cents a share last year!

    They owe 900 billion yen which only decreased 12billion last year.

    Thus my uneducated financial conclusion is??? How are they going to

    find the money to upgrade jack beep. They cant, a good company

    would look for partners. There are partners here in Hakuba that want to inject capital but this ridiculously run company wont even think of that.


    I would hedge a bit that there are people in Niseko that would inject capital into the resort as well.

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