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Posts posted by danz

  1. 1) Agree with Mogski...but know this...

    if you speak 1 word of japanese (anything

    will do, domo, arigatoo) you will be bombarded with what seems like an endless stream of japanese...they assume you can speak after that one word...so be patient...


    2) Agreed...carry cash...plastic

    does not exist in japan...pain in the



    3) JR station...tourist/info center will

    have everything you need...probably

  2. The shinkansen blasted out of the dark

    tunnel. From darkness into pure white...

    powdery bliss...snow abound...


    So it really dumped in zao this weekend...

    Can't complain about 2-days of powder on my

    first trip of the season..excellent coverage all around....



    to be honest, I was not at all impressed with

    Zao... I have never been to such a poorly thought out mountain as far as lift placement...it is nearly impossible to get from one lift to another without some serious skating (my snowboarder friend had a hell of time...)... getting from the "left" side of the mountain to the "right" is also a very looong and flaaaaat journey... add lots of deep snow, and it was very hard to get around...


    Only 1 run with any real pitch (38 degrees)

    where you could really enjoy the fluffy stuff

    (about thigh high)...the rest of the time you are litteraly stuck...not much real vert either....it was also white-out conditions most of the time, so searching for hidden stashes was out of the question...


    if you are not a beginner, i would pass on zao...


    But, I am VERY gratefull (and so is my soar

    body) for having POW POW POWDER on my first trip...good sign...


    reporting from tsukuba,




    pray for snow

  3. back when I was in the US, I never listned

    to music while skiing...

    I enjoyed the peacefullness of my surroundings, the sounds of metal and snow

    the puff of powder....


    but ever since i started skiing in japan, those beautiful sounds i used to enjoy are swamped out by monoral J-pop...so i think

    i need to bring my own tunes from now on...


    what do you guys use for auditory supplements

    on the mtn??


    just curious








    pray for snow

  4. hey Mr. Bob...


    the 9spro's are a great ski, but my

    pair has seen better days (3rd season...)

    and they have a bad habbit of delaminating...

    but 8000 yen for a pair is a steal! (if they

    aren't already wasted...)


    and about the ESS bindings...i know...

    mine are barely keeping together...but i need

    a little more dinero before i can upgrade my






    pray for snow

  5. hey mogski...


    believe me, i went through alot of time

    and trouble to find a "good fitting boot"...

    but the sad truth is, you don't really know

    until you are on the mountain...and there

    is no such thing as demoing high performance

    boots...the Head boot was the only boot that

    didn't hurt in the store...

    and i like stiff boots...total power transfer!


    well...i'm still researching...want to

    find a solution before my first day out...

    12/15 is the goal...





    pray for snow

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