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Posts posted by danz

  1. my co-workers are oblivious to anything outside their cubicle...I might get the occasional "sugoi desu ne", but I think they are used to it...

    I'll get some more reactions when I shave it off...


    although at ski-resorts, I must say I draw alot of attention to myself with the beard...lots of smiles and lots of starring...


    The ladies...well, its a mixed bag...some love it, some don't, and some don't know that they love it yet ;\)

    but my girlfriend likes it...so thats all that matters :p



  2. I don't know why this is such a fuss for some of you...what is the big deal if someone wants wear a pin or fly a flag?


    I have been to a few countries and have seen far more displays of national pride (if # of flags waving in private homes is any measure) than I have seen in the states (pre 9-11...)...


    whatever...its definetly NOT just an american phenomenom...



  3. country music doesn't use banjos...usually...

    that would be bluegrass, which is very different...and much less painful to my ears...I rather enjoy bluegrass...


    country is more of a acoustic guitar, electric guitar, pedal steel guitar thingy...oh yah, don't forget your boots and cowboy hat...



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