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Posts posted by danz

  1. good points o11...as usual...


    yes, the US and "coalition of the willing" will have many questions to answer (as if they dont already) if no WMD are found...


    still thinkin about your other points...even though I shouldn't right now, as I have work to do...


    will get back to ya later



  2. very interesting db....veeeeery interesting...


    agree with you on almost all of those points...

    what about this scenario...


    your country is overrun by a tyrant evil dictator...you are under his control, for at least an entire generation...secret police are everywhere, and you are basically helpless...no means to get rid of this guy, and the only way is by outside help...while the international community is arguing how to help you (guns or diplomacy), do you really have a preference how your salvation comes about???


    this is all hypothetical of course...I think I wouldn't mind the foreign presence, but I really have no idea how I would react in such a situation...


    no about Iraq, let us suppose the US didn't whip out its 6-shooters, and let the UN do its thing...perhaps the WMD are found and destroyed...and Iraq is also disarmed...however sadam and his regime remain in power...can the UN get rid of this guy w/out force?? how?? and if that is not the point, than what to the Iraqi citizens think now?? their situation is unchanged for the most part, although the international community has now become safer...as an international community, do we not have any obligation to them???


    just some thoughts....

    talk amongst yourselves...



  3. I studied formally in uni for a few years...that really helps, because without a stricht formal structure its hard to build that annoying foundation...


    but I am glad I did it, as it really helps! now I just have 2 hrs a week through my company, and am learning at a fraction of the pace I did in school...mostly I pick up new things from my friends, and I try to use it as much as possible...


    languages are cool..I like learning them, even though it can be frustrating in the beggining...but once you pass that it is really cool \:D



  4. mogski...you are right...those sheep need a smart bomb or 2 up their arse for sure...


    db-I believe they might be called mercenaries?? at least in this war, there have been some rogue fighters from syria and egypt who have shown up in Iraq trying to help the Iraqis out...in the news they have been called mercenaries...is that not similar to what you are describing??


    these collections of people you describe would be terrorists, from how I understand thing...just like hamas, hizbollah, eta, etc...and I don't think terrorists groups can declare war on soverign nations...only soverign nations can do that...but again, this is just speculation...



  5. I think if both countries have declared a state of war, then what you describe is, THEORETICALLY, possible...


    the thing is, it would be very difficult, if not impossible, for Iraq to actually be able to stage a military strike on US soil...they don't have battleships, subramines, aircarries, etc...and if they did, they would have a hellova time getting past the gulf...


    The other possibility is a terror attack, which if I am not mistaken, is not allowed by the geneva convention...and then those guilty of the terror attacks could be detained by the US as "illegal combatants", so the US can ignore geneva conventions for their detainment...and then it is no longer a war against Iraq, but falls under the "war on terror", which is not really a war in the classical sense...


    of course, this is just how I see it...



  6. I am no teacher...

    I do not look down on teachers either...in fact, I am envious at times...


    as for salary, a first year JET makes more than a Japanese engineer just out of college (and that is not counting the added little perks jet gets)...that gets on my nerves just a bit, seing the requirements for becoming a jet...


    I have a master's degree in engineering, and am in my 3rd year at the same company...my gf is an english teacher in Tokyo in her 2nd year...she makes the same salary as me, has way more freetime (even with her private lessons), and more vacation time. not to mention her apt. is part of the deal...


    needless to say, I have been re-evaluating my current job...



  7. my mommy told me never to lie...


    but, sadly, I do my share here...the situation usually involves me, my car, and a japanese version of the cops from chips...


    I feel bad...kind of...except when I think about how much time and money I have saved myself...but its wrong...so I will stop as soon as my license expires...



  8. I think I work in the cleanest building in Japan. It is a 4-floor building, fairly large, with 1 bathroom /floor...


    There is 1 janitor for the whole building, and I think he lives here. He is constantly cleaning...the bathroom on my floor, which only has about 20people on it, gets cleaned 2 times a day...and he knows how to set the temp on the toilet seats just right!


    I once spilled some coffee on a table right in front of him after he just finished cleaning the cafeteria (for the 2nd time)...he gave me a dirty look, but then remembered he was only the janitor, and started bowing ferociously in front of me as he scrambled to clean my mess...even though I was more than ready to do it myself...


    but he is very good at his job...thats for sure \:\)



  9. I have an hr drive each way in the morning...

    it sucks...the worst part is the damned construction that just seems to move up and down the road I use...


    I pass the Nissin cup-noodle factory on my way every day...thre is a big, steaming hot cup-noodle towering over the road...also not far from a Mt. Rushmore pachinko parlor...exciting :p



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