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SnowJapan Member
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Posts posted by danz

  1. I had a friend in my youth named 'Be A. Ware'...

    I kid you not...his middle name was just the letter 'A'...


    I thought it was a joke when I was a kid, wasn't there an old school wwf wrestler named that?? anyway, when I was in Uni, I was flipping through my year book, only to see the name Be A. Ware in there...the kid went to my uni too, and sure enough, that IS his real name...



  2. I hitchhiked through most of Shikoku and it was fantastic...5-15min was the norm waiting time...like bowler and o11 say, the people are just fantastic and so generous...I was treated to fine meals, out of the way scenic routes, and just good ole fun conversation...


    a great way to meet the locals and get around...



  3. I love Izakaya!!

    In fact, it is easily one of my favorite things about Japan...it combines booze, good food, and good company! I love the atmosphere...I wish they had these type of establishments back home!



  4. welll...the point I was trying to make is the people who love to disagree with anything american boarderline anti-american in my book...they can say "but I am not anti-american, just against this and this and this..." all they want, but it seems to me that sometimes their motives are much rawer (or more raw?? damn I suck at english...) than the reasons/rationale they pretend to exude...



  5. I must admit, I didn't even see who posted it...just saw the heading and replied blindly...which is stupid...


    i should have known better...especially having come from O11, you arrogant snob \:D


    but seriously, there are some people (here on this board as well) who are not blatantly "anti-american", but always seem to jump on any chance they can get to rat on america...this type of post, when i brashly replied, only encourages that type of behaviour...I have read some absurd stuff on here that sounds suitable for tabloids and not real thought (O11, I know you are a stickler for hard evidence, so I appologize for not providing any...I am also a lazy american, and I don't like finger-pointing either \:\) )...it is not disagreement that I have a problem with, I like that, it is the rationale behind many peoples reason for disagreeing that I find boardering on "anti-american"...it is disagreement for the sake of disagreement...if america does it it must be wrong/bad type of mentality...


    most people on this board do not think that way, in fact I am always impressed by the level of debate on this site, but I do not put it past the general internet reading public (not that I have any idea what the demograph of the lurkers on this site are like...)


    anyway...my .02



  6. Mr. Matt...


    securing oil fields as a military objective does NOT neccessarily mean it is for the economic benefit of the US/UK...the oil fields are essentially Iraq's ticket to economic independance and stability...interpret that how you will...


    and if we are talking about oil and Iraq, have any of you seen some of the fine print in the UN oil-for-food policy?? probably not, because most of it is unaccountable and confidential...one fact you can find is the UN makes more than a 2% commision off that deal, which amounts to billions of dollars annually...which is apparently supposed to be used for misc. administrative fees and other bs...there is no overseeing committee to check in detail where the money goes...it is personally overssen and headed by Kofi...no accountability whatesoever in this program...and guess which country audits this program...France...and guess which countries have secured a majority of the oil contracts (for shipping, etc) for this program, France, Russia and Syria (NOT the US)...curious group of countries, isnt it...for all you conspiracy theory lovers, why don't you dig deeper into this one...



  7. I am sure alot of you will get a kick out of this one...


    a dude in my group (just joined last week) got appendicitis (i can't spell...I know...)...


    so today 500yen was collected from everyone in the group to give as a present, or something!...jesus...that's like almost 10000yen...no flowers,no card...hard cash!...just for getting your stomach cut open...



  8. You might be a redneck if....


    You've been married 3 times and still have the same in-laws


    You think Taco Bell is the Mexican Phone Company


    Your state's got a new law that says when a couple get divorced, they are still legally brother and sister


    Your house still has the "WIDE LOAD" sign on the back


    You got stopped by a state trooper. He asked you if you had an I.D., and you said "'bout what?"


    N on

    A thletic

    S prot

    C reated

    A round

    R edneck


    You think a stock tip is advice on worming' your hogs.


    Your sister is the third generation

    of women in your family to conceive

    a baby as a result of an alien abduction.


    If you can burp

    and say your name at the same time,

    you're shur'nuff a redneck.


    You think Possum is

    "The Other White Meat"



    You think Sherlock Holmes is a

    housing project down in Biloxi.


    You carried a fishing pole into Sea World.


    You hooked up with your present girlfriend

    as a result of a message on the wall of

    the mens' room at the Flying J Truck Stop.


    The centerpiece on your dining room table

    is an original signed work

    by a famous taxidermist.


    You lit a match in the bathroom and your house exploded right off it's wheels.


    You think there's nothin wrong with incest

    as long as you keep it in the family.


    You think the last words to

    The Star Spangled Banner are

    "Gentlemen, start your engines."


    The people on Jerry Springer's show

    remind you of your neighbors

  9. training??


    I thought the budokan was reserved for larger scale events...I saw the national kendo championships there 2yrs ago...it was cool...


    if he is interested in martial arts, it would probably be cooler to find a small dojo and check that out...but the traditional ones are kind of stricht about watching...you need to know somebody in the loop...



  10. I work for a US company in Japan...and despite it being a US company, the culture here is still what I imagine to be very Japanese...


    pointless meetings, overtime "expected", terrible utilization of space and resources (both physical and human), ...I could go on...the main difference is the atmosphere...I am an engineer...and it is not very exciting to be an engineer in japan...


    you hear lots about "the team" when you read about work in japan...but that is bogus...the only thing "the team" means is status quo...no real collaboration here, no "group" efforts, and no creativity...but that is just my humble opinion..



  11. here is something to think about...


    The tram services 660 vertical meters

    it is 2,459 meters long


    I am sure you all took geometry at one point in your lives...


    usually a tram at a ski resort means it has lots and lots of vert, and you need that to get to the top (like in europe), or it is super steep (jackson hole)...hakoda has a tram because you need to traverse over 1km of basically flat national forest...


    I don't mean to sound so negative, and the snow there can be great, but....



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