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Posts posted by Nat

  1. ...well, I heard from my snowboader friend who will volunteer "Core X-game" in Ishiuchi.


    I can ask him again about skiers issue if you want...but it is quite weird not ad or info. either on website or magazines.


    website (http://www.x-sports.co.jp/) was avaiable before but I cannot open for some reason...


    I heard there are snowmobil performance but I haven't heard skiers issue yet.... But I am sure snow skiboard people will be..




    [This message has been edited by Nat (edited 05 March 2002).]

  2. Hey Mogski, this is full details what I know now....


    CoreXtream Winter Games 2002

    Date: 29 Mar 2002 - 31 Mar 2002

    Place: Ishiuchi Maruyama

    Course design: PLANET SNOW DESIGN (the company which designed pipe for Saltlake Olympic)


    Invited pro-riders:

    (from Allence)

    Imgemar Backman, John Summers, Todd Shulosser, Sebu Sulberg, Kale Stephens

    (from Lib Tech)

    Jamie Lynn, Chris Brown, Jusie Burtner, Alister Schults

    (from Rossinol)

    DORIANE VIDAL( Girl-Silver medalist in Saltlake 2002)

    (Girls boarders)

    Shannon Dunn, Tina Basich, Lesley Olson etc.


    Entry fee for the games

    amateures; 8000yen

    Pro: 10000yen



    29 Mar 2002: Amateures competition

    30 Mar 2002: Slopestyle(Pro comeptition)

    31 Mar 2002: Superpipe (Pro competition)


    Some TV channels will show core X-game.


    Is that enought? smile.gif



    I think Ishiuchi's one day lift pass will be 3000yen per day in the end of March for adults. (Spring price)


    [This message has been edited by Nat (edited 04 March 2002).]

  3. Am in opposite sidefrom Mogski. I haven't been South Is. & a house in NI.


    Mt. Whakapapa & Mt. Turoa( I think now both resorts combined & calls "Mt. Ruapehu" ) is in middle of North Is.

    I felt ... the slopes are slightly icy...(compared snow in Japan) but nice park, and nice resort, I think.


    Auckland to Whakapapa is about 4 hours+, I don't know how long it will take from Wellington, but I assume it takes almost same.


    I might try to visit South Is. this summer(in NH) if I can take holiday.

    Maybe c you in NZ.

  4. I heard Senhata skijo in Akita(Owned by Price, I think) might close from next season (by my cousin who live in 5 min away from Senhata skijo) 'cos Local government gave up to give some money to keep running slopes. Senhata is not that bad slope considering one of Local slope in countryside in Akita. And snow is not that bad either.


    Next from Senhata, is Odai skijo. it has many local snowboard-kids, and skijo allow kids to bring 'Rails' from somewhere.(I don't where they get the rail from...) So many kids making OWN park on the slopes, I was so shocked about making OWN PARK on the slope on New years day.

    Cousin and his pals told me Odai lost many costmers because local economic is bad but for me, odai runs okay.


    I know many local slopes in Tohoku has some financial problems, 'cos local government used to give some money to slopes for keep goin' but now.... 'cos the budget is tight, so they start to stop... Typical japanese economic system and business, huh?


    Some major slopes sold 'Spring Season pass' from March last year. I assume some slope will do again this year for getting customers.....





    [This message has been edited by Nat (edited 21 February 2002).]

  5. Ocean11 - I think bears are enployed by Takaragawa Onsen.


    Good things about Takaragawa Onsen

    For both Gender - Pretty close to Tenjindaira. Also Onsens are Beautiful river side outdoor Onsen. Mixed Onsen. You can meet 4 bears.


    Bad things about Takaragawa Onsen.

    For girl - Takaragawa Onsen does not allow to wear Swimming suite.... They allow gals to wear big towel however wet-towel shows your bodyline!

    For both gender - winter season.... slightly cold...

  6. Yuki - Am in Tokyo smile.gif


    telly - ....why you guys talking about me on the chatroom!? (...a bit freaky...someone talking about me even I cannot guess what/who talkig about me...) wink.gif


    Someone who talk about me with telly -


    Do you really remember my face? I am not that attractive looking ( I think) And if I am attractive looking " WHY NOONE WANT TO SHARE "DOUBLE LIFT/ROMANCE LIFT" with me!!

    Anyway thanks for telling telly that I am "saucy"


    belle- I wanna go drink out with you(arr... I wanna c your Kagura pictures!)


    mogski, a poet & skier -

    thank for your lovely poem. I wish I cannot poem back to you ('cos my boss might come back to her desk soon..) But I will make one for you soon smile.gif


    Girl snowboarders - where is your base? Am interest to see you all.




    [This message has been edited by Nat (edited 07 February 2002).]

  7. Kuma, Emi & me saw bear in Kagura,Mitsumata & Tashiro. (well, Kuma doesn't believe that is "KUMA(BEAR)" but It was bear.)


    And Kuma & me saw Japanese Cerows or Caribou or something like that kind of animals in Gala Yuzawa last week.


    You can meet many bears in several places! tongue.gif

    And also If you go to Takaragawa Onsen in Gunma, you can go to Onsen with Bears. (4 bears live in Takaragawa Onsen.

  8. Well... Olympic Snowboard = CHO TSUMARANAI.

    However maybe I gonna watch 'Halfpipe'


    BUT definitely I gonna watch Ice hockey. ( Canada! Canada! Canada!! Woo Hoo!! )


    BTW...where can I watch Ice Hockey games in Tokyo aside from Sports bar in Roppongi.

    Shibuya's sports cafe shows Olympic games?

    Any idea?


    Am sure NHK -Hifi & BS show only Japanese Games or final(How great!)... so I want to know...

    I was in Nagano last time, so I hav no idea where I can watch it in Tokyo.help!


    [This message has been edited by Nat (edited 04 February 2002).]

  9. Am sorry for riding out of Barrier on the mountain. (But I don't know where can get permission for riding.)


    Am sorry for ignoring Mt. Patrol who screaming to me "DAME! DAME!" (If I stop for Patrol guy, I will stuck in powder ... I need to keep "speed".)


    Am sorry, Mt. Patrol for always pretending "I cannot understand Japanese" even I DO understand Japanese. (But this is easiest way to escape from troubles.)


    I know it is terrible thing to do...But there is great powder snow....Why not...



    [This message has been edited by Nat (edited 28 January 2002).]

  10. I think not that many Japanese people love "Snickers" or "Time Out" or thing like that.


    I have not seem any japanese dudes love Snickers v. much....(many japanese pals do not like Snickers...'cos sticky they said. )


    Also I have not seem any vending machines for snack in Japan except Hotels or Cinema or same big hall as well...


    Generally Japanese people are not really addicted to sweets I guess.

  11. Ronie - Your view of Naeba = correct but sounds really "......"


    Kuma - Thanx 4 offering "seat". As long as you are NOT speaking your mother language, we can make a conversation, I guess. tongue.gif


    belle- come out 2 Kagura this sunday & Hakuba aft Shin Akakura!! we will b there! am sure we will hav other ramdom games & drinking session w many people...


    Anyway, I will be either Naeba, Tashiro, Kagura or Mitsumata this weekend!

    Finger cross 4 finding real 'romance lift'!! rolleyes.gif





    [This message has been edited by Nat (edited 24 January 2002).]

  12. belle, - excuse me...

    who hav 'Poor social skill'? Who started 2 play ' Randam table tennis ' & 'pictionary' with Japanese strangers??


    Anyway, I hav an asian face & my height = average Japanese height&speak Japanese(belle-you know what i look like) but I hav same problem. No one share the liftchair, e.g. ROMANCE LIFT, with me apart from friends. Even I was in Naeba (Where is quite famous resort 4 finding new girlfriend/boyfriend),no one share the lift with me!


    Because of maybe I speak English, or I am too 'GENKI' or WHAT!?


    well, Let's greeting (in Jp.) to people around you when you queue 4 the lift. am sure some strangers will try 2 make a conversation / share the lift with us.



    When we go 2 Arai? As you mentioned me, I have a free lift pass 4 Arai as well!!





    [This message has been edited by Nat (edited 23 January 2002).]

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