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Posts posted by grungy-gonads

  1. Felt compelled to answer to this one.


    Why are you getting so worked up doggy-style? I don't see Thomas being nasty or himself getting worked up, just him commenting on what he sees as the American view of the world. He isn't questioning your patriotism or insulting you personally.


    I too am also from the US, and I too sometimes cringe at some of the comments and actions I see. And certain parts of the opening ceremony - in my opinion, and in the opinion of a great many people throughout the world - should not have been the taken over and adjusted as it was. Please remember there were many many people who also lost their lives in September who were not from the US.


    This is a winter sports forum board, made up of - I presume - mostly foreigners living in Japan. A great many of them no doubt from the US. So it seems a perfectly valid place to discuss this to me.


    You seem way too sensitive about this. It is after all supposed to be a discussion board, not a shouting-board. I hope that more people will post on this issue.....

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