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Posts posted by Ocean11

  1. NPM, you're always curious about where people work and what they do (some am I actually). But nobody ever answers you when you ask.


    I've always been most punticilious about getting out the door at the official time. When my first company declared that they would no longer pay overtime but they expected the work to get done nevertheless for the good of the company, I made an even greater show of packing up and leaving right on time and not a second later.

  2. Cheeseman, if you haven't read it already, I recommend "Salt - A world history" by Mark Kurlansky. As you know, salt is a key ingredient of cheese, and cheese makes a cameo appearance in the book. (The book also takes a fanatically intense interest in salted fish, garum, and ketchup which may or may not be up your street. Garum is also fun and nutricious.)


    What is a 'table cheese' by the way? (I have known several varieties of French cheese to be 'car bonnet' cheeses - indeed we often had cheese scraps boiled onto the bonnet of our family car, along with some rather obvious red-wine rings.)

  3. Well this interesting. I've never heard of this Kramer bloke before and I've no idea if he's funny or not.


    But his job is clearly talking a lot off the top of his head and trying to be funny. It's a hard way to make a living, and 'off days' must be a very trying ordeal.


    Now when somebody heckles me in here or otherwise bugs me and I want to give them a bit of a slapping, I have all their past postings and foibles to work with (not that I'm comparing myself to this Kramer or anything - I'm just theorizing about the urge to poke back at people who annoy one.) But if this bloke is meeting some hecklers for the first time, all he has to work with is their ... appearance (or what they say, which might not offer a great deal of material).


    In this case, he notices that they're black and calls them niggers. Now everybody knows this isn't clever, especially for a 'funny man', but he's pissed off, and he's probably used to letting his mouth run ahead a bit and hoping his mind catches up and rescues him. But this time it doesn't (even though the really dedicated fans of comedy are still laughing like little hyenas).


    Then for his mea culpa later, he has to apologize to absolutely everybody and admit his 'hate' and his 'rage'. But does he really hate black people, and feel rage against them? Maybe he isn't that fond of them deep in his heart, but is this 'hate' that he's confessing to real? I really doubt it.


    The two issues that I see here, of sensitivity to racial epithets, and of the ridiculously short and ridiculously oversignificant media cycle, desperately need review.


    It'll be interesting to see if this Kramer person's career ever recovers.

  4. Another possible workaround would be to train the baby to gurgle in all its most fetching variations and induce the dogs to behave photogenically using Pavlovian psychology and then record them interacting intensively for 30 minutes. That should probably satisfy everybody.


    Screw DVD technology. It obviously isn't there yet.

  5. I've been invited by my American neighbour to a Thanksgiving party, and I'm torn between going in high dudgeon that I should be required to celebrate the mutinuous succession and devolution of large parts of the British population, or going in a spirit of humble thankfullness that I at least wasn't involved.


    I'm really not all that fond of tinned pumpkin pie either...

  6. coldcat, nobody is reading what you've written, but fortunately I know what you're asking. It was a big concern of mine at the start of my second season. I remember wondering if I'd have to start learning everything again. I decided to take an aggressive approach and act as though I could really snowboard on my first run. So I had a very disappointing first run with lots of flopping about in the snow.


    But when I stopped thinking about it, the muscle memory was still there, and not only was it reliable, all the thinking about snowboarding I'd been doing in the interim seemed to have honed it somewhat. (There's a very good introduction to the skill of 'image training' in "Thats Ocay XX Time Is on Our Side" by Geoffrey Norman, explaining how American POWs in Vietnamese prisons went sailing and played golf in their heads to pass the time, and discovered afterwards that they had improved considerably.)


    So to sum up, I'd say it's best to think about it now in advance, and as you strap in for your first run, stop thinking about it and rely on your muscles.


    (Oh, and standing on a step and cranking yourself up and down on your toes 50 times a day is a good way of preventing calf soreness on your first day. But you weren't asking about that.)

  7. "The 14th of june, François Bon and Antoine Montant did the world first speedflying descent of the mount Eiger in Swiss.. So Big again!!

    From the top on the edge of west face, then in the north face til the bottom... Enormous!! Acro-Base team is preparing pictures, even if they have been disturbed by an afraid heli pilot... He coudn't follow the riders, he told...!!! Too fast..."




    Zut alors!


    (Look out soon for a thread about how François or Antoine died pursuing their passion for the sport they loved...)

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