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Posts posted by ivo

  1. the first few weeks in tokyo where hate!!!

    i had allready some japanese friends, but they where too busy, i felt alone and had too many really strange experiances.

    after i made some new friends and i found my "homebar" in shibuya i felt more and more confortable.

    then i went traveling and snowboarding, i start to like japan.

    now, since i'm back home i miss japan.

    but it could be possible that i hate japan again when i come back.

  2.  Quote:
    Originally posted by lineski:
    i was a boarder for 5 years and tried skiboard for fun last season. just one morning in hakuba47, i picked up the sport and carved shoulder-to-the-ground! afternoon? i started to jump!!

    just say first to "ski or board", that you learned how to ski before you changed to the snowboard for 5 years!
    (haven't you?)

    you need more time to control ski's than to control a board. so it's easier to learn how to snowboard! the best way to get some basics is to go to a snowboard school, your bum will thank you!
    it's also much cheaper if you rent a snowborad! (why should you buy something, you just like to try??)
  3. no no, you understood me wrong!

    first, i'm from switzerland, thats why i don't write the best english and thats why i don't understand everything! (otherwise, let's start writing in german!)


    so i was also gajin. during my 5 months traveling in japan the only people who i had bad experience with, where (few) gajins!

    i met mostly "good" gajins, but there are a few who use the kindness and honesty of japanese people in a bad way!


    i think, if your baord get stolen, is the chance much higher that a gajin took it.

    don't you think so?

    do you have other experience??

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