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SnowJapan Admin
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Posts posted by SnowJapan

  1. Very sorry about that. Before responding to this I went over things and deleted all the posts and also zapped the membership as well.


    It seems that person got through our checks unfortunately. It is extremely annoying, but we'll do what we can to prevent people like that on here in the first place.


    Thanks for all the notices people sent, and sorry for the delay.





    Just to let you all know that the chatbox will be turned off for a number of weeks over the summer period. This doesn't mean that there won't be any moderators around, just that we will not be on hand possibly as much as usual.


    The Forums will be open as usual - just without the chatbox. The chatbox was only introduced in April this year but has quickly become a popular part of the Forums. But for these few weeks if you can just remember how things were before the chatbox appeared, hopefully we can all get through it ok. If you enjoy using the Chatbox - sorry, but it will be back soon.




    Again, the forums will be open as normal!


    Thank you and we wish you all a good summer wherever you are.

  3. So it's not a case of you not winning and so deciding to take down all your photos from SJ then? Would you have to take a photo down even if you did submit it somewhere else?


    I'm just a little confused perhaps I just read the thread wrong I think just thought it rather curious that photos would be taken down from SJ if they didn't win a competition.....




    About the competition. We will not be making the final decision - the people donating the prizes will. Also there will be no names, no usernames, no comments, no hints whatsoever with the photos when they are looked at - so there can be absolutely no question that it was in any way "fixed" or whatever. (Though no doubt we will get accused of something like that anyway!)

  4. Hi rach something like that happened to me not too long ago. For some reason my computer was thinking it was an English keyboard... check the keyboard settings and if it is set to English then update the drivers to a Japanese keyboard (106/109 keys?)


    Hope that helps. I was driving myself mad for hours trying to find a solution on this one.

  5. I do not intend to go into the fine details of what you are arguing over.


    However we have had no direct complaints from any party about this thread and after a quick look over things it seems to me that the "slagging" is not completely one-sided.


    If the people involved want to continue their discussions on who said what please do it off the forums. Or contact us directly if you feel strongly about it. Don't do it here, it is only causing further aggravation to the situation.


    Let's get this thread on topic please.


    Thank you.

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