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Big Al

SnowJapan Member
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Posts posted by Big Al

  1. Cheapest 70 series in Oz is the Wagon GL which will require 65 000 gold coins less whatever discount you may get. All 70 series are diesel only in Oz - 4.5 litre V8 !!


    Cheapest Prado is the GX Manual (Diesel only) at $60 000 less discount. The GXL Petrol retails at $63 000 !!


    Car importers, like most importers / wholesalers here are not generally thought of as nice chaps.


    This is why internet sales for goods which can easily be posted have absolutely sky-rocketed here.


    My Full Tilt First Chair ski boots cost $421 including postage from a shop in Edinburgh - the ski shops here wanted $900+ WTF??

  2. It's an SX Crew cab (5 seats) 4X2 (2WD) High Ride.


    I've run my own Land Surveying business for 13 years now and I have only come close to needing a 4WD on about 2 occasions.


    When I first started the business I did buy a 4X4 ('cos most Queensland Surveyors have them) but never needed the 4WD capacity for business use as most of my work is legal boundary definition stuff within central Brisbane.


    If we ever do decide to try getting fleeced down Mexico way (south of the QLD - NSW border) by skiing at the Snowies we can take my wife's 4WD CRV, but now that we've tried Japan I don't think that will be happening!!

  3. There's no stopping like on ice... If you try, you'll do a face plant. You can learn to do a skidding turn stop on concrete but over-riding muscle memory is tough


    Sounds not unlike the differences when I tried grass skis many moons ago.


    Any attempt at sharp edgy stuff resulted in the face plant!


    They actually helped technique for racing though as they didn't allow the "release the edges" cop out and forced you to focus on picking the correct line.

  4. Not Friday yet but......


    Peter went to the Doctor and was told that as the Doctor was busy the Nurse would see him. If she couldn't help he would have to wait longer for the Doc.


    Peter looked very embarrassed but went into the consulting room with the nurse.


    N: "So how can I help you?"

    P: "It's really very embarrassing, maybe I should wait to see the Doctor?"

    N: "Well I can assure you that I am a very well qualified professional so there is really no need to be embarrassed."

    P: "Really?"

    N: "Yes, now what's the problem?"


    Peter gingerly undid his pants and took off his boxers to reveal the most puny, pathetic excuse for a tiny micro-wang you could ever imagine.


    The Nurse tried her best to contain herself but felt the oncoming hysterics to be unavoidable. She ran from the room gritting her teeth before sprinting into the hallway and bending double laughing and guffawing like she had never laughed before.


    After a few minutes she wiped the tears from her face, composed herself and went back into the consulting room.


    N: "I really am very sorry about that - most unprofessional. Now how can I help you?"

    P: "It's swollen".....

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  5. I don't reckon there's a single Canadian who isn't shit-hot on the ice with a hockey stick so why would inline hockey be any different?


    It gives me great pleasure in seeing cultural integrity preserved via dominance on the sports field - e.g. New Zealanders winning Union, Japanese winning Judo, Canadians winning ice hockey etc.


    "Dad...Dad...what's silver?"


    "I don't know son - we're Canadian!"

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