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Posts posted by stevenmulcahy123

  1. Thanks for your help onehunga, still can't find the icon though.


    SJ-David I have obviously been trying to contact rider69 for the last month privately and although you are an admin you haven't actually been that helpful in doing so. All you've done is remove when I've posted up my contact details - which ok may be your policy but I stated I was fine to have them up their briefly as the PM's weren't working - and told me to contact you... if I knew how to contact people on the forums I wouldn't be having this problem in the first place. I'm not some nube who can't be arsed to figure it out, I'm genuinely struggling.

  2. I have a hook up with mammut for a test center in Hakuba. I may have extra cans for you but I wont know for about 2 weeks as mammut are trying many different ways to get cans into the country. I dont think a scuba shop will refill your can but you should give it a try. You may need an adaptor. Im a bit too busy with 2 jobs one teaching english but you can pm me and ill give you my email or facebook.


    Hi rider69,


    That sounds awesome. Can't figure out how to pm you, instead just drop me a message.


    (*** rider69 - if you have the cans for him and want to contact let me know and I'll forward on - SJ-David)

  3. welcome to Japan, Steven.....and welcome to JAPAN :D where even the most simple things can be very difficult to come by!! ;)


    I've no idea where in Niseko, but there is a scuba shop near my house in Maruyama area of Sapporo. If you had to come into the city to fill it up



    Tell me about it, 6 days in Japan and I'm already fully aware!


    Do you know the name of the scuba shop TubbyBeaverinho (great screen name by the way)?


    I don't But next time Im passing (it's really near my house) I'll pop in and ask for u



    That would be awesome mate, thanks!

  4. welcome to Japan, Steven.....and welcome to JAPAN :D where even the most simple things can be very difficult to come by!! ;)


    I've no idea where in Niseko, but there is a scuba shop near my house in Maruyama area of Sapporo. If you had to come into the city to fill it up



    Tell me about it, 6 days in Japan and I'm already fully aware!


    Do you know the name of the scuba shop TubbyBeaverinho (great screen name by the way)?

  5. Hi all,


    I've just arrived in Niseko for the season and I'm new to the area.


    I've brought with me an empty Snowpulse refillable cylinder, foolishly I thought it would be easy to have this refilled but it is proving not to be - from what I've learnt the only options are scuba shops in Sapporo and Otaru.


    Does anyone have any experience with getting airbag cylinders refilled locally to Niseko?



  6. Hi all,


    I'm looking for some guidance on the cost of living in Niseko for a seasonaire. I'm heading over this winter for the first time and I had a hunt around, but I've got quite contrasting numbers. So would be great for someone who has spent a season in Niseko during in the last few years to give some definite numbers.


    I've got housing and job sorted.


    But would like to know:


    1. Cost of food per month

    2. Price of a beer in bars

    3. Anything else that is significant





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