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Posts posted by ozsnowbum

  1. You want a 'Big U-shot 2.0' from the company 'xsories'. Awesome telescopic pole but will run you around 5000 yen from rakuten.


    I'll look into it, thanks!


    just use any extendable ski pole + mountain bike handle adapter.

    probably dont even need the extendable pole if you ski, just clamp it onto your normal ski pole.


    I snowboard. And the gopro needs a different kind of mount. No normal tripod screw hole. And you want to keep it in it's case.


    man its really not that hard.

    mountain bike handbar adapter $20 + backcountry pole which you would buy anyway if u do any backcountry riding.

    ive been using this same setup on my old gopro HD since 09.

  2. I like my snowshoes but have also never used a split board. Are split boards much easier? Or is it just the fact that you are not carrying your snowboard?


    depends what you're doing.

    every company ive seen wont even allow you to do multiday tours if you're a snowshoer. thats because theyre so slow and inefficient in covering ground.

    if however you're only ever going to do short 1 or 2 hour hikes then id probably stick with shoes.

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  3. There are plenty of hostels. Everywhere. Will find a place after I figure out where I am riding. Better turns is more important then anything else.


    if 'better turns' is more important then anything else, dont be buying a season pass and locking yourself into one resort.


    when i did a month staying in goryu. i bought their 5 day use anytime pass and then just decided where was best on the day using coupons.


    i dont think you'll save much if you buy the happo season pass for example. its 67000 which is 14 days riding to break even.


    considering you should be visiting cortina, goryu/47, tsugaike, iwatake for like 5-10 days plus rest days, i think just buying a ticket each time is probably better for more flexibility.


    just my 2c from doing a month there.

  4. anyone who can ski to an intermediate level can have fun in the backcountry.


    paying a guide is the best way to experience it and im sure the way most people get their first taste.


    heli, cat, ski touring companies all cater to every skill level


    i probably did 20 days of paid guiding of all the above plus avalanche course etc before i felt confident enough to know what i was doing.


    if you havent ever been on one, usually they start the day with very basic avalanche talk and go over beacon, probe, shovel use.


    i think being out there with a qualified guide is the best way to see what its all about.

  5. you dont need to tell me any of that. i already recommended the 4 day course in NZ. everyone else has already said what you've said.


    im simply saying if he's not gonna do the actual course, why not watch it online which for day 1 of ast1 is sitting in a classroom listening to a guy talk. 95% of the experience.

    day 2 is the only difference and you still gain tons of knowledge watching them dig the pits etc.


    its far better watching the whole ast1 course on youtube than not watching it at all.


    how is that wrong.

  6. i use travel credit card (no fx spread). load up with debit balance and cash it at atm ( no cash advance fee)


    Good to know. Are ATMs in abundance? I figure that might be the case in Niseko but I don't know about the other places I will be staying.


    i think theres only 1 atm in niseko in the new supermarket. its generally difficult to get cash out anywhere in japan, easily the worst country ive experienced for it.

  7. i did the 4 day avalanche course in NZ which covers ast1&2. i highly recommend it. you're actually out in the field all day everyday and then discuss things further at night in the hut.

    also you can actually find the ast1 course on youtube

    another video series which is really good is throttle decisions on vimeo. its geared towards sleds but all the information is the basically the same.

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