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Everything posted by hotskillet

  1. I just got back from a Saturday trip to Kandatsu. I must say it's a memorable trip worth going back. If you live in the Tokyo prefecture, the drive is only 2-2.5 hours. The mountain has a park and several areas to play in powder. More details an pix to come.
  2. I'm going to Pine Ridge Resort this weekend and am looking for snow pard park info. I did some research and know it's in Kandatsu, a subdivision in the Yuzawa aread of Niigata. I'm trying to find out of there is much powder.
  3. I know there is a spray for swim goggles that might be able to work. Check Victoria sports or other major sporting store that sells competive swim equipment.
  4. Let me start off by stating, I've done skiiing and snowboarding for 15 years and have lots of toys. None-the-less-, I've bought more. Just this season I've purchased: Dakine Titan Gloves Burton TWC Black Diamond pants Elan 125 ski-blades Summit Marauder 125 ski-board Summit Custom 110 ski-board and.. lots and lots of passes, Hakuba 47, Hakuba Cortina, Shiga Kogen, Joestsu Kokusai, Pine Ride Kandatsu, and Myoko.
  5. I've boarded and ski'ed for nearly 15 years without a helmet. A few seasons ago I caught a heel edge on the board causing a hard fall from head to hard-packed ice. One hard hit in the head was enough to buy a helmet the following day. Enough said.
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