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Posts posted by BoredRider

  1. Tend to agree with your review BM,

    I got the 160 hovercraft split (thinking I should have gone 156..), only been on it for 3 days (2 hiking and 1 resort) and still need to do some set-up tweeking I think..

    Like you, found it great when you could open it right up and let it run but had a few issues when it was tight. Thought it handled hard pack/groomers really well too.


    A mate I was riding with has the solid hovercraft 160 and loved every bit of it, he was ripping the tighter stuff.. He also has a fish but rated the hover higher.

  2. do you think it's doable without a car?


    Would recommend getting a car for the day and hit up some of the other places around, can get a car for the day for JPY 5-6k.. There are some great onsens in that area!


    The monkeys are pretty cool, very hard to take a bad pic.





    That's incorrect, as I said in my original post, a FULL gas canister can be taken, but it must be taken as carry-on and you must inform the airline beforehand.


    The USA is the exception, where you can only take an EMPTY cylinder, which is a TSA requirement so they can check inside the cylinder, NOT an airline requirement.


    So in the USA is not a problem if you are taking self re-fillable cylinders (e.g. BCA), but ABS (non-refillable) you will need to get a cylinder locally.


    If I was taking an ABS brand (they are nitrogen filled so there's no risk putting it in your checked bag), I'd be tempted to put it in my checked luggage.


    I checked and you are correct, my info was outdated...


    This was on the Powdermania FB page a few weeks back but.


    "Don’t ever send an avalanche airbag with a full cartridge with the DHL service of the German post office.

    In Frankfurt they opened it and now refuse to send it to Japan and not even send it back to Switzerland. I have to get it at the Airports International Post office.

    This is ridiculous and sucks big time. Anyone in Frankfurt and traveling to Switzerland soon?"

  4. If nothing else do the level 1 course and read bruce trempers book staying alive in avalanche terrain. The knowledge is your biggest tool.


    Another one for reading that book (or another similar one) and doing an AST-1 course. Would also go beacon, shovel & probe before the bag if you plan to ride with others..


    Also, you can not fly with or air freight the ABS air canisters (even empty from what I hear). So getting it to Niseko would be a mission.

  5. Yeah got it at the Boarding Co in Hakuba, was trying to buy one on line and the shipping dates kept getting pushed back... Was in the shop a few weeks ago and found out they had just become a dealer and that there were currently a few boards in Japan, canceled the online and went with them. Should be getting my hands on it tonight.


    Buying local worked out a little more expensive than online US, but not too much more. The plus was I got some good advice about the rest of the gear & hopefully will get some good future tips about where to ride...

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