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Everything posted by entalzar

  1. Gentlemen and ladies. I cereated this post due to the fact that when I linked from, " http://www.snowjapanforums.com/index.php/topic/21321-snowjapan-giveaways-10-gala-yuzawa-niigata-lift-tickets/" it was to the understanding that I would be able to enter this contest. Before enterring the contest I was sked to register to qualify. There were no condidtions mentioned for qualification. I have now noticed that the administrator has made mention of some of the conditions but they are not properly detailed on the contest page. It is Japanese law that all conditions, private information stipulation
  2. Hardly in the spirit of things? Is my meaning not completely evident and plain?
  3. I am creating this post so that I may be able to qulify to enter the Weekly Giveaways on SnowJapan. Comments are not nescessaary but will be responded unto if posted.
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