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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by LYC

  1. Just thought I would add a few things. i lived next door to the Inunecohouse all of last season. The shuttle bus stops pretty much 20 meters from your front door. Every morning last year there was a 7:45 bus and an 8:00 am bus. This was for the NISS staff that was living across the street in Log Village. They dont mind if you hop on as well. The bus usually waits around 5 minutes for both the 7:45 bus and the 8:00 bus. They dont wait after that time so be there on time! Besides that its a pretty economical location. Also the Night Go Bus stops right at your front door so if you buy the se
  2. We had a pretty massive storm that rolled in a couple days ago. So 6 of us from Niseko drove up for the day and just charged the whole mountain. There was no one there so we were getting fresh lines all day long. Winter isn't over yet! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GarvkrDW3M
  3. Hey Buddy, FInally some more Canadians in this village. I was born and raised in East Vancouver and use to ride Whistler and Baker all the time. This is now my second season here in NIseko and I'm still loving it. Theres a crew of us that ride pretty much every pow day. We all have avi training and gear and do lots of gate accessed slackcountry and bits of full on backcountry hikes. Out the 7 or 8 of us we only have 1 skier. So if you dont mind being apart of the minority you more than welcome to join. Cheers, Luke
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