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Gunma Boarder

SnowJapan Member
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Posts posted by Gunma Boarder

  1. This storm was definitely too much. I was planning on going snowboarding not shoveling snow all day. That said I met some neighbors I have never really talked too and had an interesting day. A friend and I helped some people in a stuck car and I even walked to the beer and chip star vending machines semi close to my house to get supplies ;) I also saw a tractor throwing snow off a bridge into the Katashina river a definite first. All and all an interesting day. If I can't get anywhere tomorrow I might build a jump on the hill behind my friends place and pretend I'm an Olympic freestyle snowboard champion :sjcool:

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  2. It's not that much further than White World really...


    I guess it's not (google maps says 48 min to Iwakura and 56 to Marunuma from Numata IC). You could probably take a little off those times because looking at the course, I don't think they are taking the new tunnel into consideration. The drive up the 120 has always felt kind of long to me in summer but I guess I was over estimating it. Maybe I should check out Marunuma late season this year :lol: Kawaba says 28 min which is also overestimated it is definitely the closest. Kagura says about 40 min and even Yuzawa Kogen even says 35 min.

  3. Bushiman,


    Your picture is freaking me out. That is one spooky snow demon indeed.


    Anyway, hope you have a safe drive and get some snow this weekend.


    I have been reading this thread with interest. I am moving from Niigata to Tokyo next month and I am looking for closeish snow options.


    Gunma Boarder, thanks for the information so far.


    I have a related question, where do you think holds good conditions later in the season. I was planning some snow jaunts from my new home in Tokyo around late March. Where do you think is more likely to have OK quality around that time? White World or Kawaba?


    Kawaba is higher and gets more snow than White World Oze Iwakura so I would go with Kawaba. I think late in the season Kawaba and Kagura in Yuzawa are probably your best bets from Tokyo. I have never been but the elevation of Marunuma Kogen might also make it a good late season option. Only problem is it is kind of a long drive (Why I have never been). I think I would go with White World Oze Iwakura more midseason.

  4. Won a ticket to White World (thank you SJ!) and am thinking to go this weekend with NECK as the forecast is for more snow there than Hakuba!?


    My question is.... Do they open the resort on big snow days? Do lifts eventually open if they have to spend time clearing, or is the day a write off? Did they open this last weekend with the big snow?


    I live 2hrs away, so it would suck fairly hard if we got there and it was a no go....


    Thanks for any info!


    I don't know when you were planning on driving over but the snow forecast is for more snow than last weekend. I think the expressways will probably close tonight and the other highways will probably be crazy. I might recomend staying local this weekend and coming later. If you do come over be careful :)

  5. That is a nice pic! The only trees I hit on the front side were just beside run 7 which is the 40 degree slope. From the lift I went just past the run and dropped a couple of really nice powder lines. Due to the steepness and the trees they were a bit scary but fun. There seemed to be some danger if you don't cut back to the run soon enough so of course, be careful. The area between course 7 and 5 is bigger than it looks in this pic. I wanted to try it but the bottom of the gully seems to be a little flat and it was late in the day and I didn't bring my snowshoes. I was also alone which is never the safest. The valley below the gondola looked a bit sketcky but beautiful. I also noticed some people walking up to the peak and riding down a BC line followed by a closed run on the backside.. Looked really fun. If I had my snowshoes I probably would have tried to tag along. That said I was there from 8:30 to 3:30 and wasn't bored for a second!

  6. I think if it isn't bottomless it will be close ;) I really liked the trees between run 15 and 16. Nice lines to be had and no walking out. You can hit them from almost any angle from the connecting course between the top of the lift next to course 16 and the top of the next lift over. The only trap I came across was a fallen tree at the bottom of the first gully. If you ride it wrong, you could get stuck. Stick close together the first time you hit it just in case. With the extra snow it may be hard to see. Are you bringing snowshoes?

  7. This kind of weather makes the reports difficult as well.



    Already had one or two what shall I say 'less honest types' give us some grief about us mentioning rain and crappy conditions and being what they call 'negative'.

    But if that's what is happening, that's what we need to do our best to report.

    One person up front demanded we should conveniently not mention rain if it rains because - quote - 'it's not supporting the Japanese snow industry'. No kidding.


    Would love to 'out' these people.

    It wasn't rain! It was snow in liquid form ;)

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