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Posts posted by NECK

  1. Thanks snowpony.

    Yeah norcal, the audio is pretty shocking on the majority of GoPro footage I watch! My buddy has the old ContourHD, but he uses the waterproof case so it can't record audio when he rides.

    The Contour can be mounted to a pole exactly the same as the GoPro, but you need to buy the universal mount and the pole mount seperately (around 400 yen for the pair on Rakuten). At this stage I am leaning toward the ContourROAM......

  2. Thanks Gary. Yeah, I hear the 60FPS at 720p on the GoPro is great for slow mo when editing. I didn't think to use the headstrap over a helmet. That is a good idea.

    The waterproof casing (lack of) is not an issue with the ContourROAM, as it's 1 m rating is more than enough for snowboarding in powder. Mounting on the pole does give nice footage, but I would use the camera on the helmet only, plus maybe mounted underneath a cruiser skateboard for bombing hills. It seems Rakuten has all the accessories for the Contour.

  3. I am in the market for a helmet can but am undecided on which one to go for.

    I like the look and ease of use of the ContourROAM, but many people seem to recommend the GoPro Hero2 for picture quality.


    I ride tree lines a lot and am worried that the top mounting of the GoPro, may cause the camera to be taken clean off if I don't duck low enough under a branch!


    I would appreciate any comments or advice any Contour or GoPro users can offer. I am looking to buy one of them ASAP.





  4. OK thanks Black Mountain. I will save that line for when times are really hard.

    Seemore, is it possible to get to that bowl through the top gate? It looks like a long traverse/hike to get that far across.... Nice looking bowl though!

    Yes Mr Wiggles, it is pretty lame to say the least but what can we do? Maybe the kind lifties over at Norikura would just cut me a break. Seemore seemed to be able to reason with them to get back to Cortina :-)

  5. Does anyone know a way to do the long line from the gate at the top of the top lift at Hakuba cortina (I think it's called the 'Heida gate'), without having to use a Norikura lift to get back to Cortina?

    I have the JTB 29 resort pass which is good for both Cortina AND Norikura, but they won't give me the double resort day ticket, even though it's only 500 yen more! I offered to pay the 500 yen extra, but obviously this being Japan...... No can do. It's one or the other per day. No exceptions :-(

    Norikura single lift rides are like, 400 yen or so I think, so how many single lifts would I need to use to get back to Cortina after doing the long line? Or can I somehow cut hard skiers left at some point during the line and end up within the Cortina resort?

    I would be grateful for your help here.



  6. They stamp the date in the little booklet so I think it would be difficult to get 2 on the same day, unless they simply don't look at the booklet properly when you go for your second of the day...

    Alexski, the 29 are all over Japan, with 4 in Hakuba area, a couple in the Myoko area, 1 in the Shiga area and a bunch of ones furthar south and in other prefectures, including Gifu, Hokkaido and Niigata.

    It is a very good deal!

  7. This season I decided to get the JTB 29 resort pass, as it includes 3 of my favorite resorts and was the same price as a season pass for just one of those resorts. The pass is good for both Cortina and Norikura. As these 2 resorts are linked, does it mean I can get a day pass for both resorts? Or does it mean that I can only get a day pass for one or the other on any given day?

    If anyone who has the JTB pass can help me on this one I would be grateful.



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