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Posts posted by surfarthur

  1. It would also be worthwhile spending a couple of days in one of the cities while you are there, if you can drag yourself away from the slopes for a couple of days. We had a great time in Tokyo on our first trip. At one tourist destination where I was buying souvineirs, the shop attendant applauded me for saying arigato gozimas (thankyou very much). It is pretty much the only Japanese that I know. I haven't been, but a lot of people seem to prefer Osaka to Tokyo. A lot of people that decide to spend time in the cities use a luggage forwarding company which can be found in the airports, to forward their snow equipment to the hotel they are staying in at the slopes, this seems to be well priced, very reliable and saves you the hassle of lugging ski gear around a city. Where ever you end up going, you will have a great time.

  2. You have a good point Mr Wiggles, especially in a country like Japan, where skier/snowboarder numbers at most resorts seem to go down every year, Burton (and other manufacturers) should be doing what they can to provide equipment at a reasonable cost to allow the sport to be as accessable as possible. With the yen currently very strong, why should prices be so high? I could understand it if it was like 10% more than in the US to account for the cost of freight, but it does seem much higher than that.

  3. recommend not using 100% go pro footage in your stuff tho, it gets boring really quickly.


    and don't forget the "5 second rule" either

    a single 25minute video of a single ski run is very dull, your friends say its nice cause they're trying to be polite.

    5 minutes worth of "best of" 5 second clips will keep people interested

    We also have a canon HD camcorder which we will use, so hopefully will get a good variety of angles etc. Will try to remember to keep the clips short when editing!

  4. The anti fog inserts work well in winter surf, I will be testing them out on the snow this winter - I don't want to risk ruining the videos with a foggy lens! In the surf, I have been using the 960p 4:3 setting, as this apparently has the tallest field of view. I am currently tossing up whether to use this or the 720 setting on either 30 or 60fps on the snow. I am planning to use mine helmet mounted, I also have the chest mount and will probably take some video from a pole looking back at me, the better videos I have seen usually have plenty of different camera angles, i think it helps keep from making the video seem repetitive.


    Has anyone checked out the new GoPro HD 2? Processor twice as fast, so 60fps and 170 degrees at 1080p, as well as improved low light performance.

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