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Posts posted by surfarthur

  1. :lol:

    It is a joke from NZ about Australians being dumb, part of a tradition of trans-tasman rivalries and bad jokes.


    It is often said that when a Kiwi moves to Australia, he is raising the average IQ of both countries.


    The Australians like to give us stick about sheep, and sex shops that sell velcro gloves.

  2. if you have any Chinese or Asian supermarkets, get down there...good chance they'll have them.

    Tubby is right, I was in a generic Asian grocery store today, so I had a look, found 3 different varieties, which triggered my memory. I have seen these at pretty much every Asian grocer I have been to in Perth. You should have no problems finding some. There are also a few Japanese restaurants in the city, catering mainly to the lunch crowd, that have cheap (for Perth) katsu curry, among other dishes. There is one down Shafto lane, can't remember where the other ones I have been to are though.

  3. Good luck to Stemik Jr with his Japan cup attempt!


    I had a condition called Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis (PVNS). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pigmented_villonodular_synovitis

    It is essentially a benign tumour of the synovium, which is the lining of the knee, and also helps to lubricate it. Surgery is required as if the tumour is left it will destroy the bone in the knee. It has in rare cases, destroyed titanium knee replacements. The likelihood of recurrence is about 50% within 10 years, which drops to 10% with a course of radiotherapy following the surgery.


    I had my surgery on my left knee about 3 and a half years ago, followed 6 weeks later by a 1 month course of radiotherapy. It took me 3 months to be able to walk without crutches following the surgery, however for a long time after that, my knee would give way occasionally while I was walking. I never fell on my face, but thats what it felt like was going to happen. Thankfully that doesn't happen any more.


    I find snowboarding no problem for my knee now, however running makes it quite sore. The key was the physiotherapy. When I left hospital, I had a range of motion of about 60 degrees, which by 4 months out was back to 160 degrees, which the doctors call 100% full range, however it really isn't quite 100% full range of what I had before the surgery. I try hard to make sure that both legs are strong and fit now, not that it will prevent the PVNS from coming back, but it will hopefully help prevent any further injuries to my knees.


    I am very thankful to have full use of both my legs, however if it came down to it, I would find a way to be on the snow if I didn't have the same use of my left leg, whether a leg brace or some other solution.

  4. Saw some coverage on the news over here today, so many people still living in temporary accomodation, the scale of it all is quite staggering. The footage of the Tsunami is still shocking to watch.


    One of the statistics they have been talking about is that over 100 of the designated evacuation points were inundated by the Tsunami, I cant imagine what that would be like, to go to a "safe" place and still not be out of the path of destruction.


    My thoughts go out to those who have been affected by this disaster.

  5. I suppose if you produced music yourself, you could choose to do things that way....


    I have no musical talent though.... :)


    I am not asking to get music for free, in fact I still buy CD's as I like to have the physical product, however when the market changes, in any business, you need to keep up with it, rather than try to protect a business model that is no longer relevant to the marketplace.

  6. Brazillians have a lax attitude.

    Most bands consider their downöoads as free and promo ad, and make their money at live concerts.

    Like if you like us, come and support us at live!

    I like it.

    I think this is the attitude of a lot younger musicians and bands. There are a lot of bands that release a free download of their album, and ask for a donation in return. This is a good way to get your name out there. It is not as if they don't still make money from record sales though. I think bands that go on a big rant (i.e Metallica) about people stealing their music, are making themselves look bad, let the record company be the a***holes, and just concentrate on releasing and performing good music.

  7. I don't need to tell them they are wrong. There is already a limitation to the copyright law called 'fair use' (aka: fair dealing or limitations and exceptions to copyright law). It's based on four principles: purpose and character, nature of copied work, amount and substantiality and effect upon work's value. In the US (for example), copyright holders can't order the deletion of a file without first determining whether the file constitutes fair use. In fact, Universal Music has already been sued for doing that. Youtube may have agreements with major corporations but that doesn't mean what they are doing is based on 'the law'.


    My girlfriend is a gymnastics coach. Where this becomes an issue for her, is if she records a video of her students competing, and there happens to be music in the background (i.e. at the venue, not added to the video later), when the video is uploaded to youtube, either the video won't play, or will play without sound. The only reason that these videos are being recorded is for the families of these children to be able to share their children's sporting achievements with the people that they want. The music in the background in this instance, is out of the control of the creator of the video. How is this a fair situation?


    If like you say, BM this video would be concidered non-commercial, or documentary, then surely what youtube is doing, while in line with the agreements that they have in place with copyright holders, is illegal?


    Does anyone know if similar websites to youtube have the same policy, or are some more friendly to non-commercial video producers than others?

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