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Posts posted by surfarthur

  1. FYI - this pretty much sums up why I choose to illegally download game of thrones (among other shows) - if there was an easy way for me to purchase each episode without having to subscribe to a pay TV service that has a bunch of other crap that I don't want to watch then I would.



  2. been loving arrested development. Need a fifth season right now! Already watched season 4 twice, could easily do a third time, but i reckons ill just alternate through 4 seasons of AD, 4 seasons of archer, 3 seasons of bobs burgers, 2 seasons of frisky dingo, 2 seasons of doctor who, and 4 seasons of sealab 2021 until whichever one throws out another season. Tried watching community based on everyone in random forums saying "if youll love arrested development, youll love community". Honestly, these people clearly dont understand what theyre watching. Community is mundane LCD sitcom bullshit.


    God its gonna suck when game of thrones ends. Ive run out of fun telly. I might have to get round to watching teh wire at last. :/


    Yeah I am not looking forward to the end of game of thrones - it leaves a gap of about 2 months until breaking bad starts again. Think I might have to re-watch all of breaking bad before that kicks off again.

  3. I know this is a touchy subject but I have had the normal amount of racist bullshit come through my computer but this one did ineterest me.


    Can anyone confirm or deny?


    "Have you ever read in the newspaper that a political leader or a prime minister from an Islamic nation has visited Japan ? Have you ever come across news that the Ayatollah of Iran or the King of Saudi Arabia or even a Saudi Prince has visited Japan ? Japan is a country keeping Islam at bay. Japan has put strict restrictions on Islam and ALL Muslims.


    The reasons are :


    1) Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Muslims.



    2) In Japan permanent residency is not given to Muslims.



    3) There is a strong ban on the propagation of Islam in Japan.



    4) In the University of Japan , Arabic or any Islamic language is not taught.



    5) One cannot import a 'Koran' published in the Arabic language.


    6) According to data published by the Japanese government, it has given temporary residency to only 2 lakhs, Muslims, who must follow the Japanese Law of the Land. These Muslims should speak Japanese and carry their religious rituals in their homes.



    7) Japan is the only country in the world that has a negligible number of embassies in Islamic countries.



    8) Japanese people are not attracted to Islam at all.



    9) Muslims residing in Japan are the employees of foreign companies.



    10) Even today, visas are not granted to Muslim doctors, engineers or managers sent by foreign companies.



    11) In the majority of companies it is stated in their regulations that no Muslims should apply for a job.



    12) The Japanese government is of the opinion that Muslims are fundamentalist and even in the era of globalization they are not willing to change their Muslim laws.



    13) Muslims cannot even think about renting a house in Japan .



    14) If anyone comes to know that his neighbour is a Muslim then the whole neighbourhood stays alert.



    15) No one can start an Islamic cell or Arabic 'Madrasa' in Japan.


    There is no Sharia law in Japan .



    16) If a Japanese woman marries a Muslim then she is considered an outcast forever.


    17) According to Mr. Kumiko Yagi, Professor of Arab/Islamic Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies , "There is a mind frame in Japan that Islam is a very narrow minded religion and one should stay away from it." "





    I think whoever made this up just substituted in "Muslim" and other assorted islamic-related words for "Gaijin"



    1) Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Gaijins.



    2) In Japan permanent residency is not given to Gaijins.



    3) There is a strong ban on the propagation of Gaijin in Japan.



    4) In the University of Japan , Gaijin language is not taught.



    5) One cannot import a 'Korean' published in the Gaijin language.


    6) According to data published by the Japanese government, it has given temporary residency to only 2 Gaij, Gaijins, who must follow the Japanese Law of the Land. These Gaijins should speak Japanese and carry their religious rituals in their homes and their names are Kentaro and Gerald.



    7) Japan is the only country in the world that has a negligible number of embassies in Gaijin countries.



    8) Japanese people are not attracted to Gaijins at all.



    9) Gaijins residing in Japan are the employees of foreign companies.



    10) Even today, visas are not granted to Gaijin doctors, engineers or managers sent by foreign companies.



    11) In the majority of companies it is stated in their regulations that no Gaijins should apply for a job.



    12) The Japanese government is of the opinion that Gaijins are fundamentalist and even in the era of globalization they are not willing to change their Gaijin laws.



    13) Gaijins cannot even think about renting a house in Japan .



    14) If anyone comes to know that his neighbour is a Gaijin then the whole neighbourhood stays alert.



    15) No one can start an Gaijin cell or Gaijin 'Schools' in Japan.


    There is no Gaijin law in Japan .



    16) If a Japanese woman marries a Gaijin then she is considered an outcast forever.


    17) According to Mr. Kumiko Yagi, Professor of Gaijin Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies , "There is a mind frame in Japan that Gaijin are a very long nosed people and one should stay away from them." "





    that sounds more accurate to me.

  4. One advantage of your method JA, would be, that here in Australia at least, you would be able to carry out any of the 12V electrical work yourself - I would not recommend this if you are not 100% certain of what you are doing though - a short circuit on the 12V side of the transformer could still cause a fire.

  5. Its probably not significant, but then I wouldn't imagine that having many smaller transformers would have much of an effect on your overall power bill - particularly in bedrooms, bathrooms etc where the lights might only be on for 1/2 an hour a day, compared to say your living area or office where they might be on much longer periods of the day. Where it will cost you more is in installation - it may be necessary to use heavier gauge cable for your lighting circuits - however if you are going with LEDs this may not be much of an issue either, as generally lighting circuits are designed around conventional incandescent lights, and LEDs use less than a 10th of the energy of these.


    I did some calculations for a commercial customer who had a salesman trying to get him to change his fluoro tubes for LED replacements - this was about 18 months ago, but at the cost of the LED tubes, taking into account the expected life of the fluoros vs the longer life of the LEDs, the energy savings were not enough to cover the higher cost of the LED tubes.


    In a home situation, I would expect it to pan out much the same - if you are currently using halogen downlights or incandescent lights, change them for LEDs, but if you are using compact fluorescents, then stick with them - at least until the price of LEDs comes down, unless you want to be able to dim your lights, or like Mr Wiggles you are having issues when you are taking photos or video.

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