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SnowJapan Member
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Posts posted by LordSalt

  1. Tell you what, I'm in the market for an aircon.

    But I walked into the shop at the weekend to be confronted by about 435,434 different models.

    When I said I wanted a fairly basic on that was fairly cheap, it narrowed it down to only 2,334 models.

    I gave up frustrated.


    So can someone tell me a good one to look for, seems I can get a smallish one for around 5 man. Something like that would be the ticket.

  2. I think and hope it will all calm down asap.


    But right now at this moment there ain't many people thinking that Japan is a great destination here in the UK where I am. Been here a week now so I think I'm qualified to say what the thinking is of 'mr average'.


    The Fukushima thing is a mess and will likely go on for a while, but it is no Chernobyl as it is being made out to be in the western media.


    But... but... but... westerners in western countries read and consume the western media.

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