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Posts posted by MagSeven

  1. Nice pics Tubby, cracking weekend eh.


    Eniwa is the one right opposite where we were camping. By your left elbow in the last pic, to the right of Toshi fishing, and in a few of the others.


    It's an awesome hike, here's the view of the lake from near the top. You can just see the stretch of beach where we camped at the very top right part of the shoreline, before it goes behind the mountain's ridge.



  2. This maybe a silly question, but what happens after that 3 years?


    In most UK mortgages you will revert to the banks standard variable rate. At the moment those are really low, so coming off a fixed rate onto the SVR will reduce monthly payments significantly. The risk is that interest rates are likely to rise soon, so payments will increase. The gamble is choosing when to lock into a fixed rate, and for how long!


  3. I love the summers here! Usually sunny and warm, but not particularly humid.


    Last summer actually seemed wetter to me, but thinking back, it was just really bad luck that it always rained at the weekends, and was sunny during the week for most of August!


    There's a cooler feel at the moment, but it looks like it'll get back to normal temps later this week. Fine by me, still plenty of camping, hiking and outdoor beer drinking planned before the winter comes!

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  4. I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded, slow down, and if it gets really bad, accept that you'll have to turn around and go back down. By staying overnight you're giving your body a little more time to acclimatise before the summit, so I'm sure you'll be fine, especially if you're relatively fit and used to hiking up to 3000m.


    Check the weather and make sure you're prepared for wet/cold conditions. Bring plenty of snacks and fluids to keep you going. Be prepared to be waiting at bottlenecks, its a very busy mountain!

  5. Nice!


    Did you hike Mt Granview?


    To be honest, I'm afraid we didn't tackle it. I was realistic about my mountaineering abilities and thought it wise not to take the risk. We just had a quick drink stop and a look around the impressive base area.


    We were pretty knackered after some long days cycling, and knew we had an onsen hotel waiting for us just up the road in Yuzawa!


    Was there much snow left up on the peaks?


    Not much that we saw, just a few patches here and there.

  6. Back up in Hokkaido now after a very long trip home via bike, train and ferry.


    Few photos:


    Sado Island



    Sado really is an amazing place to cycle



    Sunset on the west coast of Sado



    Steep hills and tough cycling through Niigata towards Yuzawa



    Wild camp near Tsunan



    The highlight of the trip



    Luxury resort facilities



    Pure gnar



    Heading out of Yuzawa towards Naeba



    View down to the festival site at Naeba



    Main stage



    All in all, an excellent week seeing a new part of Japan. The festival was great, some really good bands, lots of beers and not much sleep. And of course, we saw the mighty Mt Granview.

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