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Posts posted by rider69

  1. The idea behind a camera backpack is simple Can you get to your camera easily? Stuffing a camera block into a pack, having to take it out, put it back in, is really a waste of money.


    You want a pack that you can get into by just putting the bag down. What makes the F-stop bags so good is, they open from the back panel. It gives you fast access and allows the cameraman to store the camera in a top loading way as well. Say you don't like the shot, you have to move you can quickly, then stash the camera in the top and move.


    The volume is important. Any large bag can be collapsed into a smaller shape. The same cant be said about a small bag getting bigger. A 45litre F-stop can pack like a 25litre pack. The extra space gives you a pack that is more versatile.


    Yeah you spend more money but why buy 2 packs to do 2 different things when one can do them both.

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