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Posts posted by gaijindrifter

  1. Not saying Michigan has the best ski hills, but even towards the southern part of the state where I'm from you can expect to be driving in the snow come mid-November, and snow starts falling early to mid-November in the northern parts. The season is the same length as Japan's, though it does start earlier and almost never suffers from the same occasional heat spells as Japan does. And if I remember correctly, when I used to go hunting towards Boyne mountain (Boyne Mountain and Boyne Highlands are 2 of the more popular resorts if you're interested in looking them up) first and second weeks of November as of a couple years ago, the mountains were always already blanketed in a foot or two of natural snow wink

  2. Maybe I'm just an incredibly hot dude, but last year even on the coldest of days I was perfectly fine with a single pair of long underwear on under a normal pair of Bonfire snow pants. On top of that with just the snow pants, all vents open, on a sunny day (air temp being subzero mind you) I felt like I was smuggling meatball subs it was so hot x_x


    Though this being said I spent all last year in Niigata/Gunma, not sure how much colder it gets up in Hokkaido...


    And I guess it depends on where you come from. I'm from Michigan in the states where lifts opened this year before anywhere in Japan (and with NATURAL snow!)

  3. I took the 1kyuu and am confident I got over 80% on the listening, though I doubt I got better than 60% overall. I was, however, lucky enough to had read an article about dairy farming in Japan that helped me answer 4 or 5 vocab questions including:





    but I did look back and realize I messed up a few words that I actually knew which is what's gonna end up costing me

  4. Hopefully they don't revert back, but even if they do you know the Japanese won't complain. Such a horrid consumer society over here...


    But either way, thanks to the mass loads of people on the highways during the weekends most normal roads were pretty bare when my buddy and I were goin boarding last year, and we found that with 'bending' certain rules we could get to ski-jos just as fast (and a couple times even faster) than we could via the highway. I guess the price change is really gonna affect those heading up to Hokkaido from Tokyo or wherever via car, but as long as you aren't heading more than a prefecture or so away then it shouldn't take longer than an hour or so more, assuming you know how to drive and can dodge shitty Japanese drivers, which ends up cheaper in the end anyways

  5. i recommend doing as i am and finding a ride (i'm assuming you don't drive) and carpooling. if you can speak japanese use mixi.jp, i've had a lot of luck there and met some really cool people. last year i made deals with a couple dudes for free rides to the resorts for in-car english lessons, and then when we got to the resorts they usually even had free/discount passes for me! having trouble finding anyone where i live now, but it is possible if you have the balls to try it

  6. thinking about buying a new laptop here in Japan actually, and am kinda worried about this OS language issue. has anyone bought the OS here in Japan or bought a computer in Japan with OS 7 and been able to get it into English? I can read Japanese so it's not an issue of being able to use it, but when I go back to the states it'd be nice to be able to switch it to English in case I need to have it looked at or something.

  7. Originally Posted By: Mamabear
    No no...
    what's really funny is when really smart people drink heavily and then sit there solving the worlds problems together.
    Playback the next day reveals they were actually talking a lot of tosh...but with such authoritative tones.

    I find myself a rather intelligent person and last time I got hammered I woke up the next morning in a bear costume next to a sub-5' tall Chinese girl in a French Maid uniform... with no world problems solved....
  8. Originally Posted By: noonsa
    Yes, go to the store for fitting. Then buy on Rakuten. Prices on Rakuten are easily 30% cheaper than what you get in the stores.

    If you're lucky the prices can be almost in line with US prices!

    yeah, that's about right! too bad if you're big-footed looking for a snowboard you're limited to a handful of decent boards. no matter how hard i try i can't get short/wide boards shipped from the states because of restrictions (stores can't ship certain brands overseas)

    would kill for a K2 Darkstar in a 154 wide!!!!
  9. Originally Posted By: RobBright
    Why should we take you, I mean if your mate's girlfriend hates you, what's to say we won't too? razz

    She doesn't like me because when my friend and her first started going out I would often go out with them and one of her single friends. This particular friend liked me, though I didn't like her in 'that' way, and one night we all got really drunk and something happened between me and said girl. I admit it was a stupid mistake and though me and said girl have recovered from it and were able to be friends again, my friend's girlfriend never seemed to forgive me.


    Since she's Japanese, she has to be all 'tatemae' and won't admit that's the reason she doesn't like me, instead she says that she "doesn't like {my buddy} when he's around me" so therefore it's really hard for me to hang around them anymore. Either way, my friend complains DAILY about how much of a drag she is, he's just too lazy to dump her.

    That being said, I think I'd be a great guy to take up a bit of your toll/gas costs. I've got tons of interesting stories, and even if you don't wanna hear them I'm great at passing out and being generally quiet when requested haha. I'm not a spectacular boarder, but I follow the "gotta break some eggs to make an omelet" philosophy so I'm up for going wherever, whenever and for however long.

    pleaaaase worship
  10. In Japan, people are glad to pay high prices just to have the illusion of quality. I've been boarding here for over a year and I can assure you you won't find a real 'cheap' store anywhere in Japan. You can always do second-hand shopping if you don't care about quality really, but I'll assume you care a bit and recommend you go to stores like Murasaki Sports and Sports Authority, get a feel for what you want (test gear you want), take note of sizes/makes/models, and go online to either yahoo auctions or rakuten and buy your stuff there. I got bindings and a board that were listed for over 100,000 yen in my local murasaki sports for just over 50,000 on rakuten.

  11. from this year on i don't have a car to drive to the mountains, and though i'd planned to ride up on the weekends with my buddy it turns out his girlfriend hates me and doesn't want me staying at their place anymore (which is the only way i'd be able to catch a ride with my friend). this leaves me stuck with a new board and no way to get out to the mountains besides trains which are just a pain.


    so is there anyone in the northern saitama region (i live in honjo-shi on the takasaki line) with room for one more? i'm up for single day to all weekend trips, and i will of course pay my share in gas/tolls. if you can help out or know anyone else that can please let me know!



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