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Metabo Oyaji

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Posts posted by Metabo Oyaji

  1. Hey, what is 脱法ハーブ?


    Seems to be the boom news story right now doesn't it.


    It's those legal highs......fake weed etc. there has been a spate of people buying it, getting off their face them mowing people down in the street. It's quite nasty actually, chemicals that are soaked onto inert plants, dried and then smoked like dope.....but it sends people loopy! Much better with the real thing....a mate of mines was right into it and he would do all sorts of weird stuff while on it


    I got the impression it is fairly common weeds, that happen to be psychoactive, but were not (yet) illegal to ingest. Though will surely be soon.

    Maybe mixed with some 漢方 herbs?


    Also, some time in the past few days it seems to have started being called 脱法ドラッグ instead... Hard to keep up!

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