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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by kevywong

  1. Thanks for all the comments and advice, this is extremely helpful and gives me some peice of mind in terms of avalanches. I'm pumped for skiing now and can't wait to ski the light and dry powder that is so widely talked about. This is the sole reason why i am going to Japan and not Europe (where it may be steeper) but the snow is not guaranteed, especially if you only ski a week or two a year. I'll definitely be hooking up with a guide, don't suppose anyone has any recommendations?
  2. I'm heading to Niseko next week for 10 days of skiing and would like to hear from people who have been on what the best off-piste areas to ski are. For the first few days of my trip I am by myself so cannot be too adventurous plus I do not have avalanche gear. Also, to access areas like Strawberry Fields, will I need avalanche gear if the avalanche danger is classed as low? In terms of my skiing competence, I'd think of it as decent and can pretty much ski anything or at least attempt it. Your thoughts and comments would be appreciated Thanks
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