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Posts posted by foreversnow

  1. lol Some one sent me an email the other day an it was in text and I had absolutely NO IDEA what the heck they were talking about so I just deleted it.


    Same as people who send jokes and poems etc that are SOOOOOOOO LONG. I just don't have the time and can't be bothered reading them DELETED!! Funny pictures I can deal with INSTANT Gratification.

  2. That is exactly why they get the discount. WORD OF MOUTH if you look after them they hopefully recommend you next time someone is looking for a motel.


    Airline Staff get heaps of perks with their job - Cheap accommodation, Super Cheap flights anywhere, they can claim nearly everything back on tax including their makeup, perfume, pantyhose, taxi's etc.




  3. Matt I was exactly the same as you last year so you would think that I would be a little more under control this year NOT!!! doh


    I nearly passed out with the first snow fall back in October and then the first few days in Niseko then I started worrying that all my friends were coming this year because I had built it all up so much and there wasn't going to be any snow.


    THEN I REMEMBERED the day I got lost in Kutchan and was walking around the back streets totally dwarfed by the MOUNTAINS of snow on the side of the roads - seeing cars that had been buried by large snow falls over night (and I mean buried). Also one lasting memory was the snow dump out of town with truck load after truck load dumping mountains of snow all day.



  4. I remember the devastation when my youngest nephew, all of 6, had been naughty and I snapped at him well Santa is watching and he won't be bringing you anything this year. To which he snapped back and said Santa is a Faggot.


    Glad to report 10 minutes later I heard him in his room talking to the ceiling apologies to Santa for being naughty and calling him a Faggot and he will leave him out extra cookies and carrots for the reindeer. lol


    I think it is our sad realization that once they don't believe in Santa anymore they are not our little babies. sadface

  5. Mr Snowhunter works in the theme park industry and they just went through there and sacked a heap of people. Strange seeing as they are coming up to peak season wakaranai I guess that is the risk when you are owned by Americans who are not doing well.


    I think that is Karma for those idiot employees who were caught stealing MB - lets see them try and find a job out there at the moment and now they have lost their christmas bonuses (SUCKED IT). I am in Small Business so I know how hard it is with staff especially when there are large amounts of cash that come over the counter and stock that can easily go for a walk and not be picked up till the next stocktake or ordering. veryangry

  6. I agree JA. People forget that when us Aussies come over we are leaving behind summer temperatures of 30oC. Also for us spoilt ones here on the Gold Coast we find 10oC in winter here FREEZING.


    There is nothing worse than being cold whilst you are skiing. It can ruin the day. I have cozy warm ski gear and recommend YUMMY Hot Chocolate at lunchtime.


    Oh yeah and I stuff every possible space with foot and hand warmers. banner

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