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SnowJapan Member
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Posts posted by JA2340

  1. Yeah, live (or seem to) in the cistern. Some at work sit on the float, causing the float not to work as designed and the loo to run continuously. PITA!

    Solution is to sprinkle salt (common table stuff) onto their preferred seat. After fishing the bastards out, that is! That stops them.

  2. Hmmm ... poder (or maybe even ponder) this ...

    A recent study found that more money is being spent on boob jobs and viagra than on alzheimers research...............


    by 2040, the elderly will have perky tits, stiff c*cks and no idea why

  3. In Canada it's ..bathroom or washroom. To me...sorry JA...toilet is just a lateral move from calling it "the shitter".

    Problem with that?

    My house has a separate toilet - no need to wash or bathe there, is simply a place to crap! but it DOES have water in it (could always go back to the "water closet" terminology?)


    At school, kids (talking 15-18 year olds, here) used to ask if they could go to the bathroom - answer "sorry, no baths here" Why are they embarrassed about using the word toilet?


    I do understand the derivation of the word toilet (from the French toilette = wash/bathe).

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