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Taco Con Queso

SnowJapan Member
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Posts posted by Taco Con Queso

  1. Can't we all just lose the one-upsmanship. PLEASE!


    Flat - whatever.

    I've also heard it be said say that K'dake looks flat from a topo map - must've been reading with beer goggles.


    This bickering's lame.


    I'm sure FT would have a blast if he scored Niseko and the surrounding b/c on a good day (most of the time), and I KNOW he'd dig K'dake and A'dake and ****'dake, ****, and the cliff bands around ******** too.


    And no doubt anyone would be blown away by the terrain in the J Alps.


    I'm stoked on all the experiences and places I know in Hokkaido - but I'm not so close-minded as to think that this is the ONLY place to ride - I'm chompin' at the bit for a Honshu trip someday.


    Isn't it all just about the smiles and high-fives at the end of a run? And a tall can in an onsen at the end of the day...

  2. Apologies for getting off topic, my misunderstanding, and I'm not trying to throw accusations around...


    I just remember how stoked some guys I knew were about the site (back in the day), and then suddenly they started talking about how they were 'over it' as far as posting journals went because some of their journals weren't approved.


    I guess it takes (took) a little away from being able to keep a totally 'personal' record of their seasons/experiences - which were always related to their winter season - and which had received happy/positive feedback from other SJ'ers in the past.


    Sorry for getting under your collar there - not intended.

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